I have been in pain for years in my lower back, my flank and my wrists and hip also now my groin all on my right side... the pain has increased so that I often cannot function or even walk but sometimes feel almost normal...I do have arthritis which I can feel in my knees and hip joints etc but this does not feel like the same pain I have inside me which prevents me from moving normally and comfortably...I had a ripping tearing type of pain from inside my right flank in 2015 and recurring bouts of pain walking standing etc in veins bulging wrists... then lump in my groin...
referrals take about 6 months and each one send me for a different one nobody will look at the actual site of my pain which is inside my belly and after 2-3 years of playing the NHS referral game I want to get a scan for myself. How can I do this for a reasonable price as I have no savings and on low income part time work only due to my pain.
I have Low vitamin D levels, an underactive thyroid, age related arthritis, have had an intersusseption and IBS and am currently mid menopause I know about diet and posture exercise etc but still have this problem I need the NHS to diagnose but have years of being pushed about from dept to dept.