Hi, all does anyone suffer from either of the above? I have been to osteopaths, physio, London specialists, I'm now being told I just have to manage the pain. I've been like it for 4 years & I want to know if anyone with pudendal nerve entrapment or piriformis can tell me of anything else I can do? Or any specialist in Essex/London area? I've had a pain block injection into the piriformis which released a bit of pain but really hasn't done anything. I spend most of my day on the move trying to hold the pain off, but the minute I sit a dull pain behind & then builds until I can't bare it, but I have no choice! The inside of my thighs (groin) go into spasm & so does my stomach as a result. These is so uncomfortable & painful. Please can I have your advice?
Pudendal or piriformis?: Hi, all does anyone... - Pain Concern
Pudendal or piriformis?

You may get some more replies on the pelvic pain support community on Healthunlocked. I also have pudendal pain and I have heard of people using cold blocks and Feminine ? Ice pads. There's also trigger point therapy to consider.
Thank the for taking the time to reply. I have tried trigger therapy & every conventional treatment. I was wondering what next?
I tried trigger as well, with detriment results. Bit of a long shot but you may get some help from Traditional style Chinese Acupuncture. Sometimes the nerves can be calmed down a bit.some people on the pelvic pain support site have mentioned certain exersises with a theraband round your ankles and pulling your ankles outwards. And other exersises. Ive not tried it because I have other bad sensations it would probably set off. Ever thought of locking your post on this sensitive subject. You'll see how to On the pelvic pain support site
KarenGo, you said you've had trigger point injections? Any Epidural Steroid Injections for lower back pain, Lumbar and Sacral?

Hello there, thank you so much for contacting me. Have you struggled & succeeded against this pain?

I have only had piriformis nerve block guided by X-ray machine
Thank you I have also tried acupuncture & those exercises sound like they would definitely set my symptoms off worse.
I don't understand what you mean by locking your post?
Also I have not got a definite diagnosis but I know this pain is caused by either the piriformis or pudendal nerve.
You are not showing a padlock. Which means anyone www can see your post. But if you follow the instructions on the pelvic pain support site when you post it means only the Healthunlocked community can see your post.thats how I understand it to be.. People are more likely to reply to you if you have locked your post
Have you tried deep tissue Massage once or twice a week as an adjunct to your other treatment. When I had problems with my piriformis, adding a massage component helped a lot. I hope you feel better soon.
Hi Karen I'm sure you have tried many therapists. Have you ever come across the Sayer Clinic in London, they have a wonderful physiotherapist who I believe is now working in the NHS as well martadeoliveira.com/pelvic-... Also, Cione Wellness Centre in Loughborough and London - they are working with some new principles 4 pelvic pain relief. Expensive, but maybe worth enquiring. I'm sorry you are experiencing this!