i had a letter from my mp who i had written to about cannabus and the severe pain i am in and was told that cannabus will be made legal in the uk for doctors to prescribe to people in severe pain this is a massive breakthrough ,please lookit up yourselves ,
cannabus : i had a letter from my mp who i had... - Pain Concern
Yeah I wrote a post of this for all the UK people the other day. It’s obviosuly only going to be for certain people but finally we are moving forward with everything yay
hi could you please send it to me as i want to show it to my doctor please thank you .can you send it to my email address so i can put it on my mobile phone please ,my email address is sheila-mason@sky.com
Have you tried CBD? You can get it as oil, cream, vaping fluid, etc. I'm not sure yet, as I started taking it the same day I went for an overnight at a spa, but I think it's helping...
Cannabis / Marijuana helps a lot with the pain or other issues. The country I live in, Malta has legalized the use of medical marijuana recently. But it's still hard to get access to it. Prescription is ok to get it from the doctor but you need fully approval from the superintendent of health care to get access of a green card they call it here. But still it's hard to get it since they listed only 2 conditions that marijuana help.
I don't think it will be that simple. From my understanding it will only be available from a specialist and for a limited number of complaints. I hope I am wrongly
That is right. GPs will not be prescribing it, only consultants.
You can go and see a neuropathic practisioner and they can order it for you or do as my husband has done for 30 years just smoke or vape it x