Hi, guys.
Thought I would introduce myself after reading all your wonderful comments following researching answers to my ever-growing list of concerns...ha ha.
My name is Cat and I'm presently 9 weeks out from a complex, total hip replacement. I have lived most of my life with arthritis of the hip and survived chronic pain for nearly 30 years. I have had multiple surgeries on my leg (s) to correct and aid my hip dysplasia and whilst these have helped to keep me mobile, the pain has gradually increased over the years, this leading me down the path of joint replacement at the grand old age of 39!
I would like to say that the procedure was a success but alas, I experienced a number of complications. This includes; 2 inch leg length difference, severe nerve damage, chronic insomnia, severe coccyx discomfort and anaemia. My procedure took 7hrs in total and I lost over half of my blood supply.
I'm now 9 weeks in to my journey and still heavily rely on a walking aid for mobility. I'm also trying to adapt to wearing a shoe raise and essentially, having to learn how to walk again due to a different hair and straight pelvis. I'm also tapering off morphine at the moment due to the added effects this was having on my psychological well-being and I suspect, my sleep. My days are literally surrounded by pain meds, heat and cryotherapy, bed exercises and walking. It is a far cry from my previous life of walking 10miles a day, extensive travel, working 60 hr weeks and basically, making the most out of life within the remit of my abilities.
Despite the above, I remain positive. Positivity and seeking the silver lining in all situations (regardless of how thin) keeps me grounded and prevents mental deterioration. Some days are difficult (I will probably post my rants at some stage, ha ha) but I remind myself...I have a family that love me and I will not overtaken by my pain and disability.
I hope everyone is well and 'comfortable' and I look forward to chatting soon.