I'm having alot of lower back pain and I was wondering if anyone could possibly tell me what may be causing this pain? It's usually in the middle of the lower back.
Lower back pain : I'm having alot of lower back... - Pain Concern
Lower back pain

Hi there be lots of reasons why and as there are no medics on here we cannot diagnose you. You need to see your doctor for a professional diagnosis, x
Hi my wife had a lot of lower back pain, still does. She was told the problem that it was in the Facet joints in the bottom of the spine. She has had two operations, the second one to burn the nerve endings in the joints. Waste of time. Pain relief is your best route.
You need to see your GP to have the cause diagnosed. Once the more serious reasons ( like osteoarthritis) , if its muscular then posture and poor habits may be the cause.
Seeing a good physio or chiropractor is a plan. Pilates and yoga are excellent for helping movement and correcting poor sitting and standing postures.
Prevention is always better than having to take pain medication.
So GP or physical therapist first. No one here can diagnose I am afraid.
Never heard of this but just looked up and it sounds good. Unfortunately the nearest one to me is over 60 miles away in the next county! So that's that. x
It really does depends where exactly the pain is as to what is causing it. Could you have 'overdone it' doing some gardening or similar. Even things like a change of furniture, car etc can change one's sitting position and put a strain on one's back unknowingly.
If none of that applies, often as not as we age, so the back muscles weaken and any degenerative changes are more easily felt. Ideally strengthening the lower back muscles and maintaining the correct standing and sitting posture can help to alleviate the pain. In between time it's best to see your Gp and get a referral for an xray to see if there's a problem like an osteophyte, osteoarthritis on one of the lumber vertebra which could be causing it..
Hi I think this 5 tips may help you reducing chronic back pain or normal back pain naturally.Read continue below..
1.Heat therapy
Heat application has two primary benefits:
It stimulates blood flow, which brings healing nutrients to the affected area of the low back.
It inhibits the pain messages being sent to the brain.
Heat can come in many forms, and it's best to try several to find what works best for you.
2. Get enough restorative sleep
Pain is a leading cause of insomnia—difficulty with falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
3. Exercise your core
The muscles in your abs and back play a critical role in supporting your lower spine. These muscles don't get a good workout during the course of a normal day—they need to be specifically targeted through exercise.
4.Stretch your hamstrings twice daily
One often overlooked contributor to lower back pain is tight hamstrings. If your hamstring muscles—located in the back of your thighs—are too tight hamstrings your lower back and sacroiliac joints will be stressed, leading to more pain.
5. Use Recliner relieve back pain
When You want to sit for some time, You should use recliner and you can find here chairsadvisor.com/best-recl... . But consider only it made for back pain. If you use recliner for back pain, you can get rid of back pain naturally. Visit for recliner reclinergenie.com/best-recl...
You need to see your Dr before trying any exercises or treatment as I had the same over a year ago, saw my Dr who referred me for a mri scan which showed an annular tears in my lower L4 L5 disc and also my oesteoarthritus has got into my spine now along with an irritated coccyx. When I saw the pain Dr he said that the pain from the tears are the worst back pain you could have. Physiotherapist won’t touch my back because of the tears.
Back pain can have many reasons so professional help should be sort first, have you been to your GP. I have RA and when my back pain started 2 years ago my consultant referred me to a physio, osteoarthritis was DX and exercise given for home plus a course at the hospital. I recently had an X-ray and I have a curvature of the lower spine, facet joint degeneration, L4and L 5 the discs have pulled over. I am currently waiting to go to a pain clinic. As I have osteoporosis as well a fracture was ruled out with the X-ray. X
Not sure, but I do as well. Along with Ms I also have issues. With spine. I think bad genes. It starts as I get up and worse as day goes on with bending etc. It may be the deteriorated mylin over the years.