Hi my name is Michelle I had surgery in 2015 I had my L5 disc shaved but about 4days after surgery the pain came back so in 2016 I had my L5 disc removed but once again the aim came back.on the 16th of may I had a redo but the lower back pain is still the same I can't stand or walk longer than 5/10 minutes because the pain is so severe.ive been talking gapupentin and tramadol but only had little pain releif.someone told me about morphine patches are thay strong and will these be better for me rather than the tablets and can I get these on prescription?.ive got no quality of life my day is tablets and sleep I haven't been out of the house on 15 months and I'm so depressed I was pretty fit 3 years ago but. not know.please pleas help.
Cronic lower back pain: Hi my name is Michelle... - Pain Concern
Cronic lower back pain

Hi Michelle, I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain and in a bad place at the moment. I hope you manage to find helpful treatments for this.
Your story sounds similar to mine. I also have had a discectomy on L4 and L5 . Were you given a specific diagnosis about what the operation was for?
Mine is Spinal Stenosis, and I had a similar operation. I read you use gabapentin, so I pressume you are having some Neuropathic (shooting) pain? I get this in my lower back, hips, bum and legs; I found amitriptyline the most helpful for this and it also aids sleep.... but this is a tricyclic drug and you should speak with your Doctor about this as an option.
Regarding the patches, I have been on Morphine patches and then changed to Fentanyl, and have personally found them most useful for relieving localised lower back pain (dull and sharp pains) and pain from spasms. The patches can be given on prescription, however, being strong Opiates, they do have a more significant impact on your body than other pain meds. This is best discussed with your GP or anaesthetist Doctor/Surgeon who can advise you further, especially if you have any other medical conditions to deal with.
Additionally, I try to keep my head busy with hobbies like reading, although I know it can be hard to concentrate through the pain. I also try to concentrate on my family and friends which helps me focus on other things. Also minfulness meditation and stretches (physiotherapy) help me to calm the pain and my mind if I regularly do these. I try to get at least outside the walls of the house each day, even if I know it will be hard some days, and get fresh air, and push myself now to go out a bit more and it does help the mind. I know, however, that this is very, very hard to do regularly with chronic back pain and hope you can try.
I hope this reply helps in some way, and that you find some relief.
Thank you so much for replying mine was the same diagnosis as yours but I've had three operations one each year for the past three years I can't stand or walk for more than 5/10 minuets as the pain is that bad in my lower back I'm on tramadol aswell I just want to be pain free and get back to a normal life.xx
What a miserable and limiting state of affairs for you: this is obviously having a huge impact on your quality of life.
Has your GP suggested a referral to a Pain Clinic where they be able to re-evaluate your pain management and design a personal plan that suits you better?
Hi thanks for replying yes I'm waiting for a appointment with the pain management team but don't know what to expect when I go?.
I totally agree with your suggestion. Sadly I have been waiting for 2 years for an appointment at the pain clinic at st Thomases hospital. I'm sure it will help me with my denergation of the spine fibromyalgia osteoporosis and cirrhosis but the pain and suffering while your waiting can sometimes be unbearable. I'm going back to my doc to get him/her to investigate my long delay in getting an appointment. I wish you all wellness thanks for listing to me. I just think I've been put on the scrap heap.😪😪💕
Two years?!? Wow, that is so shocking. Scrap heap? I'd feel like I'd been put in a bag and dumped on an anthrax-riddled island after a lengthy boat trip if that happened to me.
As St. Thomas has that extensive a waiting list is there a reason why you can't be offered a place somewhere else like Walton or other well-regarded clinic? Your GP definitely needs to chase this up and to see if a referral within a reasonable timeframe is plausible.
Good luck and best wishes for a near time referral as that's far too long to be left in that much pain and with that impact on your day to day activities.
Thank you for your comical reply it cheered me up.
Can you tell me where Walton is. As I am entitled to hospital transport. So it is possible for me to attend.
Thank you for your kindness💕
Walton offers a residential programme that is very well-respected. thewaltoncentre.nhs.uk/112/...