Hi I'm new here,
I keep getting heart twinges and sharp pain in my left arm and left side can anyone explain to me why I'm getting this so early into my left?
Hi I'm new here,
I keep getting heart twinges and sharp pain in my left arm and left side can anyone explain to me why I'm getting this so early into my left?
I have a question for you have you gone to the doctors to ask them what it could be. Because you do understand heart problems can start a any age. Not trying to upset you but you do understand we are not doctors.
Thanks for your reply, I don't have a gp appointment yet but I'm going to go in a few weeks time to see how that goes,but my gp has asked me to do a blood test so many times but I refuse because I scared of needles.
Hi Rebs. What leads you to think these twinges are heart pains ? There are many reasons for pains in that area, indigestion being one of them.
If you have real concerns then visit your doctor as no one here can diagnose illnesses.
Hope it turns our to be fine
Thanks for your reply, I have had these pain in my heart every day and I just got concerned about it and I am young
No idea, but it’s something you really need to ask a doctor!
Hopefully it’s nothing serious, but only a qualified medic can rule out something as potentially bad as a heart problem
Best to get it checked out and if you have to have blood tests, then even though you are afraid, knowing what is wrong could depend on the results, so, let them know you have needle phobia and get those pains checked.