Doctors and responsibilities : Hi there. I will... - Pain Concern

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Doctors and responsibilities

Davek723 profile image
9 Replies

Hi there. I will start by praising the emergency services, cant do this highly enough.

However. I have had issues with a great number of G.Ps.

Im intellegent enough to understand the political side of cut backs , doctor shortages etc and fully understand the pressures which is unfairly applied to doctors and surgeries.

With a big BUT?

Some of my issues are related to my personal circumstances.

So lets say you go to the doctor after injuring your neck / shoulder. Its become very painful but more worrying , when you lay down in bed you cant feel your legs then you have other unexplained pain in you feet legs arms. These are extreme. So you exain all this to your doctor. You are given pain killers. This is where my issue is. If i go to a garage with both front tyres flat they dont say put some fuel in the car. Yes it will keep the car moving but does it solve the problem .NO.

So another GP symptoms worsening more pain skin changes swelliing muscles twisting etc . Still no tests. And this goes on and on for months with a number of doctors. To the point i was told it may all be in my head.

Plus written in my file that i waa showing an extreme reaction to a small injury with pain unexplainable. So i cant rember how many doctors specialist etc i seen but had surgery on my shoulder with no improvement . Almost 4 yrs down the line i end up in a clinical investigation unit. Within an hour i was diagnosed with full body crps.

One of the main symptoms is showing unexplained level of pain for the injury.

4 years is to long for anything to be done for crps and it has now spread to all limbs spine etc. But it was all in my head. Lol

Fast forward to sept 2016. I had a fall due to my condition. Bruised ribs extremely sore.

I attend the doctor . He didnt really examin me just a look. Take some pain killers.

In agony so keep going back , i seen 4 different doctors all saying muscular with only the last one suggesting an xray. Now in dec. Before my xray i ended up colapsed on the floor at home, blue lights to hospital doctor said its muscular, my partner demanded atleast an xray. I got an xray and it came back my lung had colapsed. Im now into 1 year of new pain and the doctor is giving up as he cant find out whats wrong.

He keeps blaming my crps although i have had this for 18yrs and i know something else is wrong inside.

Just convinced him to get me a scan but had to say if he didnt do a scan , i would pay private and if they found anything i would come back to him.

Awaiting results.

So my general point is doctors will hide behind cut backs long hours stress etc etc.

And in my opinion this is accepted by most.

So basically saying im hard worked stressed under pressure etc etc and its ok if i dont do my job properly.

If you were a chef stressed long hours pressure hard work etc and you undercook a batch of chicken , making people ill would all those excuses make it ok.

None of the above reasons, or excuses make it ok not to do your job correctly.

I appreciate this may be a bit controversial but its my experience.

In any other work place stress long hours hard work pressure etc are all there but do you think your boss would say dont worry about that mistake.

Sorry about the rant .

And if i have upset any who have positive doctors stories.


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Davek723 profile image
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9 Replies
ssdw1958 profile image

Oh I will say your is real bad but I have a great one or should I say two for you


I told my doctor for I would say 9 years something is wrong with me I am tripping, very bad pain in my below my ribs about 12 inches wide, my right eye I went partially blind, saw out multiple flashes and each eye etc...., The Doctor said I had woman problems

Well finally my finger started to getting numb so I Googled it and found I either have MS or Lyme disease..

I brought my Reader's Digest medical book with me opened it to the page and said I either have MS or lyme disease that's how I figure out what I had

Guess what they said oh don't jump to conclusions stupid idiot I had to diagnosed myself with MS. So that's number one with that doctor I have many things I would get sick so bad and finally get better then my Son would get sick when he was 8 years old I brought him to his doctor and yes they knew what he had a flu that was going around my doctor nothing.

No this one is pretty bad I went to see you my Dr. I told him I wasn't feeling well and I want to check my lungs I got your OK don't worry about it and at the end of the week I was at my job working at a School and I could not stop coughing the school nurse called 911.

I was sent by ambulance to the hospital to find out I had pneumonia. I was out of work for seven weeks. So I know what you're talking about these Doctors not all but just a few are


Sorry when I here about idiot doctors I get a little upset

I say you have to be your own advocate because no one else's. Good luck to you I wish you were feeling so bad. I hope this makes you realize you're not alone in the World,

Just remember when the doctor says how are you feeling let them know. Bye for now Sandra.

spider555 profile image

I have quite a lot of the symptoms for crps. But the Neuro says I don't have it. Apparently, it's localized. Except the regional bit...

Judipat profile image


I can understand gp's giving you pain killers or whatever on your first visit about a specific complaint, however, my gp, who is great, will always say if it's no better in a week, or you're really worried, come back. If I went back and was no better, I would then expect to start talking about further investigations and tests.

I have recently changed my gp surgery because my previous one was so rubbish. My new one is fantastic so I am very happy.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Judipat

What I say if you are not getting issues answered and you have questioned him then why not change your Dr. I wish I had done that I would have been diagnosed with MS much earlier maybe and wouldn't be with a walker and a wheelchair.

cyberbarn profile image

There is a saying that good doctors have: Listen to the patients, they are telling you the diagnosis. But so many GPs are pushed to the limit that they don't seem to be able to listen any more. I feel sorry for some, because it is the good ones that do listen that end up leaving the profession. It is the bad ones that often stay.

ssdw1958 profile image

Maybe you should talk with your pharmacist they know more than the doctors sometimes

Shooby profile image

Hi my annoyance about GPs is they have your records in front of them on computer BUT You have to tell them the things that's wrong with you and how bad your pain is they tell you you shouldn't be taking that pill with that pill it's so dangerous it can cause serious fits or death Lovely, so remove that pill give you this cream, then you go back still with chronic pain and then they say to You what would You Like Me to do? and then you end up on shitty pain killers (not) all I want is pain meds that work! and the bloody Pain Clinic to get in touch I'm so depressed, sore and Damn Fed Up WAITING.

debsreed profile image

And there's me hoping l'm the only one who's life had been ruined by discrimination, ignorance, negligence by the NHS and told it's all in my head, while my brain and body are failing thanks to untreated CRPS for 16 years. More fool all the doctors, nurses, specialists who dismissed me and treated me so inhumanely because l have been ignored n fobbed off for so many years..... That day will come soon when each and everyone of them will listen to me as l have all my medical records and a diploma in anatomy n physiology and sports development so hopefully this will never happen to anyone else because the lack of knowledge and skills etc about CRPS, but just because they don't know the answer we shouldn't be called attention seekers, mentally ill, somatising, malingering and sent to pyschologists who just chuck pills at you. Anyway, lve written more in other posts and if you have full body crps like me affecting every organ, every function and every system with no treatment and no cure. It is a neurologicol degenerative disease, a disease of the brain and every nerve cell of your body is short circuiting and causes the worst pain syndrome known to man then l'm sorry but I'm done apologising for being such a nuisance or an inconvenience amongst other names specialists have said or "take what she says with a pinch of salt" from a bowel consultant referral to a Gynaecologist when solid masses and much more were found on a scan when l was in hospital with faecal impactation. I couldn't make up what's in my notes it's so horrendous, for example told had no right ovary in 2005 and no left in 2008 told must have been removed when had emergency op for ruptured ovarian cysts in Mexico 2001. I found out 2 months ago l actually have both ovaries but need hysterectomy due to heavy bleeding (due to crps) so thanks NHS for taking the chance of being a Mum away from me, even my new GP can't believe as l have all the proof in notes.... It's beyond comprehension, so something good must come out of all my suffering therefore l'll be taking it all to court and lm starting a crps support group as we don't even have a research centre in uk, we're told to call the Samaritans' if we feel suicidal. ... Done that got the t-shirt x2 but l'm here for a reason as drank enough morphine to kill 3 people so l may as well do something useful and fight for our basic human rights. God Bless, Deb

Davek723 profile image

That sounds so much like me. Tbh. Apart from im male so didnt have the problems you have. I am getting worse and when i fell i knew it wasnt simple bruising my inside were feeling strange feels like crps on inside. Tried explaining this got sent for physio. Lol

There is nowhere in the uk that will treat you after 6month period . Im now 17 odd yrs in . And to cap it off the dwp sent me for an assesment . I scored ZERO points lol. Even after an appeal and pgone call while i was laid in my bathroom floor unable to move. Lol

If i have fybro mialgia i coukd get everything . Crps is listed as tge most painful chronic pain known to man . Yet they say im fit to work lol.

Most of what you say is so familiar to me.

Good luck taking everyone to task hope you win .

All tge very best dave

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