At a loss!: Hi all I want to say what a relief... - Pain Concern

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At a loss!

10 Replies

Hi all I want to say what a relief it is to find this page😀I have both my L4 and L5 discs herniated, with mild disc bulges in C3-C4 and C6-C7, I also have a T1 hyper intense haemangioma in T9, just to name a few which I have no clue as to what it all means. I have lived with this for over a year and am on a cocktail of pain medication, I have had a cortisone injection a few months after finding my bulging discs and unfortunately it did not help, the pain is Excruciating even with the meds, I have been treated by my g.p, and will be seen by a neurologist in a few weeks. Now the crunch is physio, which my first session was deep tissue massage, within 40mins after leaving I was shaking and vomiting from more pain than prior, so second time to the phsio, my doctor told me to advice him of what happened and to not perform deep tissue massage, so we did limited exercise as I can relate to pain intensifying after walking. I'm a mum and a homemaker so I naturally am as active as I possibly can be, and definitely know my limits. Today was another round at phsio where once again was a total negative experience and I left crying, he suggested I burn a candle to help with my pain.. does anyone get that? I feel like a time waster and a hypochondriac and have tried to explain what causes my pain and discomfort, to no prevail of empathy but more of a suck it up attitude, my concern is in doing further damage, when he has both my Ct scan and MRI to which his response is every image and every one will see something different. I certainly will not be going back, and once I am seen by the neurologist, I would rather have the aid of a personal trainer that specialises in rehabilitation. Would love any thoughts or comments as I have always done what is suggested by my Doctor for this last year and a half.

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10 Replies
catgirlshirl profile image

I have suffered with L5 S1 for years now the pain is keeping me awake the pain is like a drill in my left hip and leg it hurts what ever position I sleep . Getting so fed up with the tiredness all day . My med don't work anymore the doctor said to use ibrufen but no better . I have PA and have just had B12 loading jabs . And type 2 diabetes Help xx No help from my GP .

I also forgot to mention that this physio has said that sciatica is just a term used, and it is not a diagnostic condition! I would love if there is Doctor on here to clarify his

beliefs and that also MRI' s and ct scans are just what is seen at the time? Sorry for the large jump in this post my computer is playing silly buggers.😉

Manditts profile image

Hey its Manditts ,if you have read my story you will have read what i endured for 24yrs.Sciatica is debilitating pain and anyone who says otherwise is a complete moron who should be shot.I had my deep compression back fusion at L4L5 ,a new vertebrae put in and a plate put in the bottom of my spine to stop it slipping.

I was going to end my life if not for the surgery,i have 2 daughters and 2 grandkids,that are my world so ending my life was a decision i had thought long and hard about.I had told my girls what i was plannin g on doing.Luckily my neurosurgeon,about the 13th one i had seen decided after seeing my mri and seeing me for 10min that i would get a bit of relief with the sciatica He said he probably wouldnt be able to help with the back pain.I had 7 hrs of surgery and i walked out of hospital 48 hours after my surgery.Ive had every form of rizotomy,too many needles to mention ,5years straight of physio,what a waste of 24 years.Took me this long to find a neurosurgeon who woukd operate and i am so thankful.I forgot what life was like without that sciatic pain and my back is prob 50%less painful.I hope you find a decent neurosurgeon and you can get a great result like i have done.Good luck ,Manditts.

in reply to Manditts

Hi Manditts, thank you so very much, I totally understand the stage you get too with wanting to end your life, to have read your reply you have left a refreshing overview for me.

It certainly goes with out saying unless you are in the position that we are in, no one will ever understand.

All the best for you, and ever so grateful for your reply. 🙏

Manditts profile image
Manditts in reply to

Thank you for you're kind reply.Just thought i would share this with you.My mum had an operation on her foot to correct a bunion,my mum and myself have had this procedure done before,ive had the same foot done twice,i have a plate in it.The procedure worked it was painful but you get that.They have decided to do the procedure a New way and they fuse the big toe to the foot.To cut a long story short,the procedure was not successful and now she has nerve pain and the foot is a mess.What should have been completely healed by now is a debiletating life changing mess of a foot.She was referred to a pain clinic,i refused to go in with her because i have no faith and i said i would have been so negative towards them not to mention rude.Im over these clinics.This is how she was told to deal with the chronuc pain.!!!!!Put a mirror in front of you're foot and say how good the foot looks and how great it feels.😲😨 her foot looks awful and she is in absolute pain.This was the best they had to offer her.She understandsnow why ny attutude is as it is in regards to pain clinics .I will give anything a go and have done.This is just insane i feel.Tbought i would share.All the best take care.Manditts ☺

Cmh59 profile image
Cmh59 in reply to Manditts


Good morning. Well not so much. Been awake since 3. Finally got up to get my hot coffee and a pain pill. I was wondering about a post you made here about a neurosurgeon. With all my back issues I have been referred to an orthopedic surgeon and also for the knee surgery. My question is which is what the better of the two? We have a neurologist who comes to town a few days a month. Do they test for MS, Lupus or Lymes. Those are 3 things I am often advised to check into.

Thank you.

Manditts profile image
Manditts in reply to Cmh59

Im in Australia and i was under the pain clinic in Perth.I was referred to the Spinal Unit and was fortunate to get a Dr Balah,he didnt hesitate with me ,i only saw him for about 10 minutes and he was doing my paperwork required for surgery.Apparantly from what i was told a neurosurgeon operates on or around the spine ,neck and head.Anything near the spinal column requires extra care as we would imagine.Orthopedic surgeons operate on our knees,and other joints.Thats what i was told when i asked.I hope i have been able to help you.I would be asking for a referral to a neurosurgeon for my back.Take care Manditts.

Manditts profile image
Manditts in reply to Cmh59

About the ms lupus and Lymes,i've never been asked if i have any of them. When ive seen neurosurgeons etc they have only dealt with exactly whats on my refferal which iwas directly related to my back.Again i hope i have been able to help in some way.

Cmh59 profile image
Cmh59 in reply to Manditts

Thank you very much for your advice and I forgot you are in another country. I will see my pain management Dr on Tues and go from a there.

Manditts profile image

All the best, ☺

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