I'm not so sure where is a better place to post this, so forgive me.
Honestly, I'm stumped. Last month, I developed a sort of lump feeling in my throat. It wasn't in my esohougus, but in the back of my throat where it just starts to go down, if that makes any sense. After developing it, I developed severe gastrointestinal issues, from constipation to diarrhea, to awfully painful stomach cramps. Those lasted 3 weeks, and have mostly resolved (I still get an upset tummy from time to time).
The lump's been there ever since, every day, 24/7.
It's evolved to me having a heavy feeling in my head, along with headaches daily. I'm also tired all the time even when I sleep 9 hours. The worse is an awful feeling of tightness in my tongue, mainly in the back of it. My tongue also sometimes "tingles" on the front, which is the best way I can describe it. Along with it, I've been having lots of mucus (clear/white) in my throat, along with a constant stuffy nose, which won't go away even after my GP prescribed Zyrtec. She even told me to double my dosage daily.
The tightness is in the back of my tongue and throat. Sometimes my throat is sore, sometimes it hurts to swallow, but usually it doesn't. It radiates to my palate and the area under my tongue. It's worse in the area around the tonsils, and reaches up to the back of my tongue.
I'm at my wits end. I have to wait another month until I see ENT, but I can barely talk or eat without the feeling that my throat and tongue is getting super tight.
It's driving me crazy. I would love to know if someone else has gone through this, and if it went away. Thank you.
edit: My apologies, I completely forgot to mention I had an endoscopy along with 2 CT scans (1 of throat other of abdomen). Everything was completely normal.