I'll try to make this short.
Over the past month and a half I've been having chest pain on the left side of my chest. It is not intense, and never lasts long. It's very slight, maybe lasts for about 5-10 seconds, then leaves. I'm a hypochondriac, so I keep thinking it's heart disease, or something affecting my arteries, but the nurse tells me she highly doubts it, and that I'm too young (22 years old.)
I'm not overweight, I'm 6'0 178 lbs, but I just wanted you guys' opinion. I do eat pretty fast, sometimes I feel like I have burps that I can't get out, sometimes I lay down right after eating instead of allowing my food to digest, but it's never seemed to bother me before.
The nurse said that if it were a heart issue, it wouldn't go away so suddenly, it'd probably get worse when I breathe, and it wouldn't be so easy to tell what part of my chest it's affecting. She said heart issues affect the entire chest, and sometimes the back too, but I definitely can't say it's been that wide.
So what do you guys think it is? Can anyone relate?