Hi guys, am new here and have made a claim to pip as I am only getting ssp from my employer, does anyone else get any help at all, have had surgery and I expect to be of a while longer hence to asking for help
P I P entiltment if in receipt of ssp - Pain Concern
P I P entiltment if in receipt of ssp
Hello and welcome on board.
Regarding PIP - this is the eligibility to be able to apply.....
Doesn't sound too hopeful I;m afraid.
You must have a long-term health condition or disability and face difficulties with ‘daily living’ or getting around.
You must have had these difficulties for 3 months and expect them to last for at least 9 months, unless you’re terminally ill (you don’t expect to live more than 6 months).
Pat x
Hi pat, I had surgery 8 weeks ago, and not be returning to work soon, am only getting ssp which don't even cover hardly anything, thought there might be help out there
I had this condition since I was a child which I did state
You didn't say you'd had the condition. Being nosey what is it? It may help your case.
Sadly DWP make the rules and PIP is so different from DLA. They have made it quite clear they intend to save £20 million by whatever means they can. That means savage cuts to those disabled and long term sick.
Have you been working and now having time off?
Yes I was working until my surgery, just like, have had a total hip replacement, now my recovery is to undo 35 years of how bad it was, my leg is so weak, I can't walk unaided yet nor dress my bottom half , I had perthes disease
I don't know enough about perthes disease and hip replacement to comment on recovery times. I do know my husband who has a broken back, leg deformaties, and needed complete hip replacement made a full recovery in 7 months.
He had to learn to walk again with 2 legs and a stick! It was painfully slow as so much he wasn't allowed to do.and equally much he just couldn't do anyway.. Physio was very good
Go for PIP. It is a stinker and that is what DWP want. To cut down numbers of people claiming thus saving a lot of money.
Good Luck!
Thank you pat, I had leg differences and had that corrected during surgery so now am learning to walk again also
Well this is David's third time///once as a toddler, once after accident and then after hip! Don't rush and listen to your body. Stop before you do too much.
Happy wobbles!
I shall let you no of the outcome, no idea how long it takes for the assessment
Please do.
I got an assessment really quickly and I didn't take evidence with me even though I didn't get asked, my disability is obvious but am worried now
Well presumably you completed the application form telling DWP how your disability affects you?
This is what they assess you on not the disability itself.
Yeah, few people think I might get refused now x
Still a little confused. Did you submit the original applocation form stating your conditions and how they affected you?
If you do get refused ask for the reasons why nd copy of assessors assessment. You are entitled to this.
Hi, it sounds like you expect your health to improve and you'll be able to return to work at some point. That won't stop you getting PIP as you can work and receive PIP. It is all decided on your needs. If you expect to improve enough to work but will still have care or mobility needs then there is no reason why you shouldn't receive PIP. It's a different matter convincing the assessor though. It seems that some people get a good assessor and things go relatively smoothly but a lot of people are turned down and have to appeal to get the award they are entitled to.
Have you got a date for your assessment yet? You need to remember the reliability criteria for every question they ask. If they ask "Can you do ****?" they should be asking "Can you do **** safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and in a reasonable time period?" and you need to answer as if they had and then explain your answer in more detail.
With work, don't mention it unless they ask. Also, think now what your employer might need to do to enable you to return to work. If you just say you hope to return your assessor might think you'll be 100% fit and well at that point. If you're likely to need reasonable adjustments, a change to your duties or your hours etc. then point this out.
You're entitled to record a PIP assessment and if you're able to I would suggest you do this because we hear too often on these forums of people getting a report that doesn't reflect what was actually discussed during the assessment. You'll need to get permission from the assessment provider in advance and record the assessment on two tapes or two CDs so that you can give them one at the end.
I first called them to register, then they sent me a form out, then got a text last week acknowledging my reply ........
Thanks for sending us your 'How your disability affects you' form. We may need you to attend a consultation with a health professional before we make our decision. We'll contact you again if we do. Please call us if any of the details you gave us have changed.
I will return to work but I work in a nursing home so you can imagine how physical that is, there is no light duties doing that work unfortunately, physio said up to a full year for full recovery, and its not safe for me to return while still being aided to walk