Pip: Good morning,I have been on pip 3 years in... - Pain Concern

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missdiannedyas23 profile image

Good morning,I have been on pip 3 years in July I was told my award would run until Dec this year,I have just had to fill in a new review form I rung up today to see what was going on they said because it was due to run out jan2017 I would need fill in a planned intervention the gentleman called it,anyhow I have sent all my mri scans letters from doctors ect ect and my prescription paper I am on morphine tablets and patches pregabalin naproxen perpananol and citalopran ,I suffer with severe spinal stenosis, degenerative disc 2 discs have gone,the pain can start in groin go down left leg it hurts all over my back too I get pins and needles ,I also have pain all 8ver now which they say is due to me having fibromyalgia and suffer with panic attacks I rarely go out ,foraminal stenosis I also have without the pain relief I wold be climbing the walls I have both lidocaine injections at the back of one's hand and epidural spinal injections ,my gp and consultant does not no when or if I will ever recover the best they can hope for is get as much pain free as I can ,so would you expect me to get further PIP as no way I can work I can barley get out of bed I have a stair lift a front ramp a special toilet to wash and dry me I have a wheel chair and and other things perching stools zimmer frames ect ect thank you

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missdiannedyas23 profile image
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12 Replies
RAYJAYC profile image


PIP isn't anything to do with your ability to work or not - that benefit is ESA.

The review of PIP is the normal process so don't be worrying that they're sneakily checking up on you! Your award letter will probably give an end date with a review date a year or so before.

Regarding your question about whether you'll get another award - it's a very difficult one to answer I'm afraid!

As long as you include how your disability and pain affects you in all the different activities and you've got relevant medical evidence to back that up then, in theory, you should (may) get the appropriate points.

It's a very grey area unfortunately - sometimes I think it depends on the mood of the decision maker when they're assessing your claim!! I've heard of ridiculous cocktail-ups in giving awards or not!!

I've just been through the appeal process and had to go to a tribunal hearing so my advice is make sure you have the evidence to back you up!

I hope you're successful and keep your current award or if you're wanting more, best of luck if you need to ask for a reconsideration etc.

The Pensions & Work website/forum/information hub is great so have a look at that - they're very 'anti DWP and PIP claims process' so will be very helpful!!


nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to RAYJAYC

Hi, Rayjaycs advice about the works and pensions website is 100% right. Worth its weight in gold joining.

Very, very best of luck,


missdiannedyas23 profile image

Thank you or I am aware of the fact what's what for ,I also receive esa I can't bath or dress myself I can't walk further than a few steps reason I have a wheelchair I used to do everything and shop pay bills even wrap Xmas presents I can't do any of these even the simple tasks my daughter is my career she does lots for me showering me doing my hair and make up pays the bills etc cooks my breakfast my hubby does the main meal and my showering ect on his days off I honestly don't no what's happened to the bubbley bouncing with energy person I was working full time taking our grandchildren to park and our 2 dogs now I barley get out of bed x

RAYJAYC profile image
RAYJAYC in reply to missdiannedyas23

Hi again

I totally understand your situation - as do all of the users of this forum. All the things you're describing need to be put on the never-ending forms that we all have to complete. Let the DWP know everything!!

None of us can give you the answer you're looking for though - like I've already said, the DWP decision makers appear to be very inconsistent so no one on this forum can tell you whether you'll get enough points for each activity.

Do you know if you have an advocate service in your local area?

Citizens Advice can help you too but can't 'represent you' in the same way someone from an advocate service can. Be aware though that most advocate services only 'assist' people in the area the service is based unfortunately. I've tried to get help from an advocacy service but there isn't one where I live so I had to go it alone. You may already know all this.......

We know it's hard having to deal with the horrendous pain every day - realising we can't do something that we could six months/a year ago - remembering the person that used to laugh & live life as we wanted to. The stress and desperation of this pain is never-ending but sadly I/we can't wave that 'longed for' magic wand and make it stop!

Dealing with the benefits system is an extra stressor - it's so complicated for some: do you have family or friends that can help take the edge off that stress?

Anyways, I wasn't insinuating that you didn't know what benefit was for what, it was just that you mentioned about having to go to work whilst 'talking about' PIP so I thought maybe you'd confused the two. I've spoken to some people who don't even know that ESA exists and only claim DLA/PIP and vice versa!!!

Good luck with it all - keep us updated and ask for help/advice on this forum as there's a wealth of knowledge and anecdotal evidence to help you should you need it!


onamission profile image

I was awarded till Jan 17 and hd the same form they told me the assessor pulled out random claimants file and would send a form out for any changes. I have copd pins and needles both hands and feet bulging disc's none of my conditions have improved never will when are they going to stop wasting time and tax payers money on this stupid system put in place by the labour party that has never worked

stix profile image
stix in reply to onamission

Its not wrong what the Labour party have put in place its how the evil Conservatives implement it, nothing more than barbaric cruelty. They are far more evil than ISIS

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to stix

I understand your anger but this rule was set out by the labour party it was a long term plan that the Tories have continued with.

When this change was put in place only 1% of people claiming should not of been and if labour had got in this time they were planning on another long contract with atos.

What we need is the rule changing for people like us with long tem illnesses. This system has never worked regardless who put it in place and if we all stick together we will get it changed with the help of BLF

RAYJAYC profile image
RAYJAYC in reply to onamission

Hi onamission

I'm not drawing you into a political argument here.......

On my and others' PIP award letter, it states when the award is up to but 'with review' a year before that end date. Obviously, they're going to 'review' my/yours/others' on that date. I admit, it seems a waste of time because we're obliged to inform them of any changes so the review is a bit pointless!

The solution is unobtainable - if they don't check, the people that don't need it any longer get a benefit they're no longer entitled too. If they do check, us genuine claimants feel we're literally being 'checked up on'!!

I've no idea what the answer is to the welfare cost - I've been 'collateral damage' of the change over from DLA to PIP and had to go to a tribunal, which I won!! but there has to be a way to find out the people that don't really need certain benefits! Plenty of pretenders out there!!

Anyways, hope your review is successful.....


onamission profile image
onamission in reply to RAYJAYC

Hi RAJAYC I agree and I don't want to get drawn in to a political argument I have no interest in it I am going to email my MP I would like some facts like how many people in the uk have copd I'm sure someone hear will know, what I do know it is the 3rd biggest killer so we can't be trying to pull the wool or fake it and with no cure this is what I'm going to be putting in my email, good luck with your review keep us posted.

Poppy_Ann profile image

Hi there,

PIP (Personal Independence Payment) is an extra benefit for people who need help with either looking after themselves or for people with mobility issues for people who cannot manage to carry out paid work you should be receiving ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) with PIP they normally give a length of time that it is to be paid for depending on how long they expect you to require it and can be from a year up to 10 years and is reviewed from time to time. do not worry if you have not heard anything back from them as it can take many months for you to get a reply.

Regards Poppy Ann.

onamission profile image

Hi Poppy Ann I got a text from DWP saying they had received my form { I sent it recorded delivery } it said you may need to attend a consultation with a professional before we make our decision and we will contact you so I really don't know what to make of it other than a waste of tax payers money

missdiannedyas23 profile image

Hi I went to physiotherapy at our gp and she said I was way too tender so my pain management team should refer me to the hospital one who's more specialised in this,I also went to pain clinic and she wants me to have a further 3 lidocaine infusion into my vains vis the back of my hand 3 times over 12 months so 1 every 4 months she also wants me to increase my pregabalin for another problem my fibromalgia ,I rung the pip up helpline and they said my former as already gone to asos to see if I will continue to receive the full amount but he could forward the notes on and any paper work I get to save and take to the interview I have asked for one at home ,he said I should continue to qget the amount I have been on as clearly I need on going treatment for on going problems and I am no better in fact worse are my problems when I first made the case and I was awarded it was on severe spinal stenosis, forminal stenosis panic attacks and pericarditis, I still have all of them plus fibromalgia now and bursaries in my arms at the top and bladder problems this message as took half a day from start tofinish I cant get up stairs have a stair lift,can't shower wash dry hair shave my daughter who is now my carer does it,I can't cook a meal as I can't stand long enough I can't grip and can't focus on job in hand I am worried about going shopping with my hubby frightened of people after sexually assulted I still suffer ptsd with it can't stand for longer than 10 minutes I have to sit and can barley walk I can walk as long as a six foot fence panel with my zimmer,I can't be trusted to take my tablets at all as I forget 7f I have took them so my daughter or hubby do a chart I no longer run the housekeeping as I can't r ember if I paid this or that,so what do all you think of my case any help welcome or advise on how to cope I can't dress undress so it gets me down I have a fab loo that washes and drys your bits after loo things but sometimes I need to be wiped I can't I feel discussed in myself and cry afterwards I feel at my lowest at this point

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