Hi all
Can “anyone” offer me some advice as I’m at the “end of my tether” with pain!
I’ve had a Triple Bypass and Mitral Valve Repair. I’ve had a Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair.
I’ve had a Laminectomy for Severe Spinal Stenosis which unfortunately failed and is now worse than before the Surgery!
I also have Heart Failure so I’m very limited in the pain relief I can take.
I’m under the Pain Management Clinic at my local hospital. The Consultant (after 3 x Nerve Root Block Injections) prescribed:-
Buprenorphine Patches
Recently hospitalised overnight and told I may need Emergency Surgery but due to my Heart Problems the Consultant was very reluctant to do anything so I was sent home with Oramorph!
I’m seeing the Consultant later today after numerous discussions he, reluctantly, said that Spinal Cord Stimulation “may” be available?
I don’t know whether there’s anyone out there who has any advice on the way forward with trying to manage the pain?
Sorry to rant but I’m just - as I started by saying “at the end of my tether” - if you’ve got this far - thanks for allowing me to share my frustration.
Kind regards