has anyone used krantom for neuropathic pain and where is it available. Does it have any side effects or risks.
Krantom: has anyone used krantom for... - Pain Concern

There have been some fairly recent useful posts on this topic, so might be quicker to put the word into the search box.
I was sure this had been mentioned on here recently but I couldn't find it on search.
If you google, there is a lot of info, too much from the producers, so look up user's experiences. Its not just "neuropathic" pain which is being addressed but pain in general. Kratom seems to be heavily used as a substitute opiate, for legal highs. I might have considered trying, except one user, maybe more, I didn't read all reviews, had a side effect of palpitations, which I have had with amytryptaline and don't want to provoke again. I can see that dosage is important, depending on what you wish to achieve, as is provenance, Bali seems to be the best source for some.
Hi Suzy I have been using this for the past few weeks as I can't tolerate the usual anti consultants which help with neuropathic pain. I have used the tea bags, resin and capsules and am going to order some of the powder as I have heard its cheaper to use it overall. I use the Bali strain which is better for pain but it does have a slight sedative effect so tend to keep its use to evenings. Most common side effect is constipation. You do not get high with this herb and it can take an hour for it to kick it but you do notice a gradual reduction in pain. You need to play about with dosage to see what works for you and my advise is start small as you don't need much and gradually increase until you find a dose that works for you.
It's spelled kratom - just be careful as I have heard of some blends with kratom and other drugs.
Lou x
FYI - it doesn't taste great but you become immune after a while to the taste.
I have gone through 3 pkt of Kratom that I bought at our local alternative health store. It didn't help me, at all. However I have one friend who says she got some relief of her nerve pain.