Hi, I have had a firm swelling under my right wrist for 3 months now. It is a burning, aching, almost tearing pain, when I try to push down, or lift up. I am right-handed which doesn't help matters as I have to use it a lot, though I'm trying to use my left wrist more. Its fine when I twist my wrist or move my thumb. My doctor thinks it is not a ganglion, as it is not large or very soft. It has not grown in size over time but it does ease slightly when I rest it. Once I start using it the pain and weakness returns. I think I have damaged it somehow, we have been moving sacks of compost around lately. It is not red or sore when I touch it normally. I have been prescribed Piroxicam gel but doesn't seem to make any difference. Any ideas of what it is are appreciated, thanks x
Pain and firm swelling under wrist: Hi, I have... - Pain Concern
Pain and firm swelling under wrist

Hi i have osteo in both wrists that have caused bumps. Both thumbs are also affected. Has arthritis been ruled out.

Hi j4june,
The doc didn't mention arthritis, he's waiting to see for another month how it goes. I never thought of that but it's a possibility due to my age.. 72...it just suddenly appeared, and was worse initially than now, but still painful and I'm still unable to push down or bear weight on it. I expect that's the next line of enquiry when I go back x
Hope it not but just seemed same as me. My hands pain all the time esp when doing anything. Hope it clears up for you x

Hi, I hope yours improves too...I've heard there's an op they can do which improves arthritis in the wrist, have you heard about it? I'll let you know what happens to mine, what it turns out to be. Thanks so much for your replies xx
Hi no not heard of an op.. i have had carpel tunnel op yrs ago in right wrist. I have multiple joint osteo now plus fibro. Seems to be downhill for me but i do hope you get a diagnosis soon & yes please let me know. Take care x j
Hi, I have exactly the same thing in my L wrist, I'm only 44 but its been like this for about 10yrs, it comes and goes, sometimes it swells and really painful, then it seems to just go back to normal, but as soon as i do something strenuous, it flares up again. When i had it re-x-rayed a few yrs ago, they said there was significant difference in my bones from a previous x-ray some yrs before. I was given a splint which is amazing when its bad, its got a metal rod underneath so it prevents your wrist from moving in ways that cause you pain. It helps massively, as soon as i put it on it feels so much better, perhaps you could ask for one? Good luck D
Hi booglebeebs are you able to push and or lift anything using your hand or wrist? That support you have must help, sounds worth considering if I'm to have it long-term. Did you get a final diagnosis... Though it sounds like a bit of arthritis to me. I think that the docs just tell you it's "wear and tear" when they don't really know what it is. Thank you for your help xx
No i cant push/lift when its really bad, but the splint helps so much . No ive never had a final diagnosis, they were supposed to send me to a higher specialist at the hospital but i never received anything and i haven't followed it up (so many other problems and health issues!). Yes i agree the docs do say 'wear and tear' for most bone/joint issues!! I hope you find a more comfortable solution, take care xx
Have they x-rayed it do you think you broke a small bone or even hyper extended it. I’m just throwing things out there. I hope you find out what it is.
Good luck!
Nope no xray, it was very sudden so I kind of ruled out arthritis. I'm going back end of the month so if he doesn't suggest it I will. Thanks!
You may like to consider wearing a splint during the day which you will be able to get at a pharmacy, simple to wear with Velcro fastening. I wore one for several months and it helped enormously. ( thumb and fingers free) The second time I needed the splint was when I had broken a tiny bone in my wrist. No advice to splint it but I did to aid healing. I still keep the splints in a drawer just in case.