For the last couple days, I've had this really loud Wooshing sound in my left ear and it won't go away. I recently got a bad cold, but I don't know if that's what is causing it or not. It's driving me crazy and I can't do anything with out hearing it. Does anyone know what it is and how long it might last, or what even causes it? Please help me.
Wooshing sound in my left ear. It's driving m... - Pain Concern
Wooshing sound in my left ear. It's driving me crazy.

Yes I get that it started ,7years ago and its never gone away drives me mad if any one as a cure I would love to know it
I'd go and get it checked out by your GP. I have ME and fibromyalgia and with those conditions it can often be connected to blood pressure problems like orthostatic intolerance.
It might not be anything like that, perhaps it's an inner ear problem. Either way best to get it checked.
i have experienced that, mine only does it if i take to much pain med at one time. it only last a few mins. on me. oldblue
I had this a few years ago and it was a blocked eustation tube I lived abroad and the hospital punctured my eardrum and then a second time. They then flushed out my sinuses and my hearing went back to normal. It has just happened again same ear but the treatment here is to leave it alone as they say it mostly clears up on its own well last it went on for about 6 weeks before treatment I have already had it longer than that this time, the worst is that I dare not drive as my license is allready restricted due to diabetes I have allergies and have been given antihistamine but these do nothing but make me sleepy, another reason not to drive. It does sound like a possible inner ear problem but you should see your doctor and find out what it is and get treatment if needed and reassurance if not.
You get a whooshing noise in your ear with Menieres disease, the best way to describe it is that it sounds like the old bellows! I was diagnosed with Menieres about 5 yrs ago and I've had that sound in my left ear and bad tinnitus in my right. I'm not saying it is Menieres but it's a possibility. There are many other symptoms that go with it but make sure you drink plenty of water as it helps keep the fluid levels in your inner ear and stay away from salt as much as possible. If you need anything more from me just ask.
I do hope it's not Menieres disease as it's very unpleasant. Kind regards
See the GP for earwax removal. May make a difference or may not.
I would ask about Tinnitus, this is not just a ringing noise as people think. I have tinnitus, sometimes it sounds like whooshing, sometimes it sounds like bells and sometimes it sounds like a radio playing. I have also heard voices in my head which the audio said could also be the tinnitus. All this time I thought I was going mad. Does any one else have tinnitus and if you do what does yours sound like?
It could just be catarrh in the middle ear caused by the cold.An antihistamine at night might help but if it doesnt help within another week I would get your GP or nurse to check Putting a few drops of olive oil would help if there is wax over the ear drum.Best of luck
I had that so painfull for me it was an ear infection I was put on the pills the steroids that once you start like six and then you get all the way down to half a pill. That worked for me. I have to be careful I have had pneumonia. It let me tell you I never want to get that again. I hope that helps ask your doctor.