Hey Everyone, I met with the new ortho dr who looked at my new xrays last week while i was hospitalized dealing with the DVT. He wants me too wait 6 weeks before we DISCUSS further options about the xray and mri results. He doesn't believe that the pain in my shin is "shin splints" (as told to me by my GP and Ortho Doc)He did say that the pain if it were shin splints would be in a certain area in my tibia, this pain is from the tip of the tibia all the way down to the ankle joint. I asked the Dr "aren't you the one who saw the images and said that something was wrong with the plate on top of the tibia"? He replied " i just want to rule out a few things" Soooooooo now i'm going to aqua therapy starting on monday and will follow up with Dr's...lol i'll keep you guys posted with an update on or before the 6 week deadline.
Stay up everyone and make healthy choices.