Has cymbalta been helpful for anyone with neuropathic pain with other pain medication? Thanks
Cymbalta- Nerve Pain: Has cymbalta been helpful... - Pain Concern
Cymbalta- Nerve Pain
Hi Bunce,
Yes it has helped me. It was added to pregabalin (lyrica) for chronic neuropathic pain. It meant I didn't need to take co-codamol every day and it helped with pain from touching cold things.
Yes Bunce, I have been taking Cymbalta for two yesrs. It has worked wonders for nerve pain in my feet. I can wear all kind of shoes. I hope it helps you as much. Good luck to you.Hope you will be feeling much better.
I have had neuropathy in my feet for 25 years and just recently started using Cymbalta it work great at first but after 6 months the pain is worsening, I also take gaba with it to sleep. That seems to help.
I t helps with burning, and pins and needle sensations
Cymbalta has been very effective for three years now for CRPS type 2 burning pains. I cannot take Lyrica. I also take an opioid for other pain types.
Hi Bunce, cymbalta or duloxetine can be useful, preferably avoid use with ibuprofen where other alteranatives are available and not appropriate to combine with tramadol. your doctor will help. just curious was cymbalta given as your first medication for neuropathic pain, if yes, you might wish for your Doc to elaborate to you why that was their recommended choice for you against the others possible options.
I take it along with targinact, paracetamol and lyrica so can't comment how effective it is alone