Hi everyone today been in real pain with the lower back I could cry with it just feels like my knee has a lump in it and the pain shooting all the way to my feet and my toes feel like they're going fall off its just so painful and bum is so numb and hard rock and last night just could not bare the covers on my legs it just so frustrated can anyone suggest what to do i have tried stretching and ice and heat but nothing helping. anyone suggest something.
nerve pain : Hi everyone today been in real... - Pain Concern
nerve pain

Hi Sarahhouse67. Sorry to hear that you are in pain in lower backside have you ever had a scan on lumbar spine just a thought it could be coming from there I have it through cervical myelopathy

yes I had fall year ago fracture sacrum I had lots of physio but nothing worked and really bad day today its got bad and they did find nerve pain but waiting to see a doctor and the pain clinic I been taking all these painkillers and nerve but they do nothing I'm on oral morph.
It's not nice to try and block out the pain but you have to be careful because it can lead to constipation which I got the diagnosed with colitis so I have to be careful and not take ibruffen etc
How have you hurt yourself ?, I would suggest the need to see your GP in the first instance. How long have you had the problem, just two days ?
You could also go to A and E or call your GP for an out of hours visit, depending on the pain and how you caused your problem. Do you have Arthritis ?
Warm compresses are a good way to reduce pain, however on occasions a cold compress can also work, Different Folks, Different strokes. I always use a directional shower head on the afflicted area, the intensity of the warm water will hopefully reduce pain given heat
If you are having problems with the sheets consider using something that can take of the weight of the sheets. Use a few pillows on each side of the leg/hip that should lift the sheets of the sore areas. Do you have any bolsters to restrict movement and lift the sheets.
Hi Sara sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. I hope you can see an Orthopedic surgeon soon. You need to find out whether or not you're Sacrum is healing and also if there is anything you can do about you're nerve pain. Apart from the hot and cold packs I am not sure what you can do other than see you're GP and get you're medication reviewed until you see the surgeon. I hope you feel better soon. Lola
Thanks so had bit vent but a real nagging pain in my knee and my bum goes right through to my feet hopefully her something soon thanks for all your advice until see a surgeon nothing going work thanks speak soon