What's medications has anyone found to relieve nerve pain!
Nerve pain!: What's medications has anyone... - Pain Concern
Nerve pain!

None, I was given Gabapentin 300mg to be taken three times daily, I have been taken them to try and free a trap nerve near to my spine for the past three weeks, quite frankly, it did not make a slight difference. As I said before, try exercise.
There are many drugs which may help neuropathic pain, I have tried most of them. You have to be patient in trying to find one or a combination which suit you. Unfortunately you will probably experience a few of the unwanted side effects along the way. Keep trying.
I have suffered nerve pain for the last 5 years ,it is difficult to control and everybody finds different combinations that give them some relief .I just try to stay mobile as much as I can it helps .I wish you well and hope you find relief soon .Pete
Hi. I have been on Pregabiline 300mg twice a day, Oxcarbazipine 150mg twice daily, Amitriptlie 150mg at night,Amantidine 100mg & Bru-Trans 20mg. The Pain Clinic gave me another Patch to try: Transtec 35mg it made me even worse & sleepy all day.
Amitriptyline works for me suffer from peripheral neuropathy my hands and writs are very painful also feet and toes tingling and numbness all day take the drug at night works very good indeed 30-40 mg per night
I take Lyrica 150mg twice a day and Cymbalta 60mg.
there is absolutely no medication for nerve pain, i suffered for 21years with terrible nerve damage because I have 2 damaged discs, talk about extreme pain,
Take pregabelin and Cymbalta plus maxitram . Combination of all 3 do help but do not take pain away. Also take Vitamin B100 for pins and needles pain and also find Mega Benfotiamine 250mg helpful too.
Hi I take gabapentin and was on mst. (Morphine). Then my pain specialist transferred me from mst to physeptone(methadone) tablets. I was scared but they work better for nerve pain. I take oramorph for break through pain. Good luck.