Nerve pain: Has anyone had any experiences with... - Pain Concern

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Nerve pain

Bunce profile image
49 Replies

Has anyone had any experiences with gabapentin and ampitryptline to help nerve pain in legs?

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Bunce profile image
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49 Replies
coolpolitealex profile image

Hiya Bunce, the thing is for nerve pain if it's the bottom half of your body, you should ask for pregabalin, as Gabapentin is normally for the top half , but if you got it from your doctor then I'm sure they know best as if you have problems in neck it can affect your legs as well (I think).

Gabapentin is a good pain killer, but it plays havoc with your weight so try and be careful about your eating habit's best Alex

in reply tocoolpolitealex

Sorry coolpolitealex, but that is completely wrong. No idea where you got that from, but my pain was/is in my lower sine and I was given both of the medications.

Pregabilin is just the same, for neuropathic pain.

coolpolitealex profile image
coolpolitealex in reply to

that's what my pain consultant said, but hey ' I think he was yanking my chain, as they use quite a bit of psycho-babble when you first get treated, he may have meant well, I don't know, but I was told you must not use them at the same time, is that true ?.

Had both, neither did anything for nerve pain. Amitryptiline knocked me out at night, but did nothing for pain and Gabapentin made me hungry... that's it.

Frustated profile image
Frustated in reply to

I had problems with Amitryptaline when taking tablets even at the 'low' dose of 10mg. When I needed it recently for pain at night, my GP prescribed a liquid Amitryptaline so I could get the right dose, so as not to knock me out, but bring relief and sleep! I now take 0.6ml =just over 2mg, it works well at that dose. So it may be worth asking your GP.

in reply toFrustated

I'm on Oxycontin now topped up with Co-Codamol which seems to keep me on top of the pain unless I overdo things. I also have a nerve block at C3/4/5 every six months which really helps.

As for a "low dose" Amitryptiline, I was only ever on 2mg at night anyway.

LouBoo profile image
LouBoo in reply to

Hello my name is Jamil, my wife is louisa and from time to time she on her talking about me. I'am now at the stage where my decressing in Tramadol 200 twice aday, is coming too an end.

My Doctor has put me on 50mg twice aday, then 2nd week one twice aday, and finally one 50mh one every other day.

I'am having major pain in both lower legs, NERVE PAIN!!!!.

pressure in my lower back, but the nervepain i cannot deal with.

i wish i could go back in time and change things, and be a scientist and who can, or could cure people with nerve pain.

In a fortnight time due too see my GP and try Pregabalin.

Iam hoping it will really help me. Being a man i try to not let it make me upset, but my wife says i need too let it out, which will help you to relax alot more.

Thanks for Listerning.


in reply toLouBoo

hi Jamil,

Ask to be referred to a pain clinic or insist on seeing a back specialist. Nobody has Xray vision, we don't know what's going on inside us, without at least that, we don't know exactly where the pain is coming from. We don't allow animals to suffer, why should we?

Charliek3 profile image
Charliek3 in reply toLouBoo

Jamil, I as a man am in the exact same boat as yourself. I am 44 years old, married with 3 beautiful sons and Pain in my Lumbar region of the back along with Diabetes Neuropathic pain in my legs coupled with Restless leg syndrome and now a failing sex drive. I have been prescribed Dehyracodeine 60mg Tartrate and Diclofenic but I may as well swallow Placebo. I've been on those pain meds for over 13 years now as I damaged my Lumbar region, breaking & fracturing 4 or 5 vertebra as a teenager by falling over 25 feet from a tree...

I was assured back then that I would require no surgery as my spine would heal quicker & better by itself. I was also assured I would be well into my golden years before I may get trouble from this injury.

Then along comes Type 2 Diabetes ( the Bastid lol ), and Hey Presto I am in constant severe pain all the time. Nothing has even come close and I am at my wits end now. I have contemplated suicide many times but always manage to talk myself out of it. Just looking at my kid's is enough for me to pull back from the brink. My beautiful wife has been a Rock to me also which helps but then the guilt sets in and chronic depression that hangs over me like a Dark Cloud.

I really do not think my new Doctor even believes how unhappy I am in life nor does he take my chronic pain seriously. The last time I walked into his surgery like a Side Winder Spider he actually joked and laughed and suggest I pay a Chiropractor and it would be the best money I ever spent. I have been seen by a Chiropractor and paid for this privately, ( which is a luxury for me as I am not attending work long enough due to pain and no work no pay.

This is like running on a Hamsters Wheel and really there is no relief in sight. When I mentioned the Restless Leg and burning pains I suffer at night time right down my legs and even into my freezing feet. Imagine that now for a minute...Your feet are freezing to the touch yet mine feel as if they are on fire...I asked about a drug called Pregabalin, Lyrica, a seizure medication that is also used for Neuropathic pain today...with great success I must add...Do you know what the big Lig said to me..." Forget about that kind of drug as it is a drug sought after by Drug Addicts!! Maybe I should ignore this drug but I refused and was given a strip of 14 Lyrica tablets, by a good friend of mine, 300mg...and I had the best relaxed sleep, pain free and Restless feet free I have had since I was a 14 year old child.

I am writing this on a Saturday night hunched up on a 2 seater sofa propped up by pillows, with mu Bull Terrier shaming me with her " Lets go outside for a run, eyes on ffs!! >.< LMAO... I simply refuse to be cast onto the scrap heap at 44 years kid's don't deserve a father that cannot move about freely, pain free...nor does my wife deserve a husband that oft times refuses making love due to this soul destroying pain and nerve problems. That is another constant companion these Libido has disappeared and I don't fully feel like a man anymore...Jesus but this a Soul Destroying way to have to live...yet my new Doctor is able to dismiss my predicament as if I am a nuisance to him. I have been a taxi driver for over 20 years now and do not want onto any benefits of any kind. All i would expect from him is simply not in the mind and I suspect his early retirement is close and that is paramount in his mind. Changing Docs is on the cards alright.

I am so glad to have found this forum even if I only have a good rant on it lol...I live in Castlewellan in Co.Down with forest parks that match any efforts across the UK and I have fished there all my life. It really is a pity that my pain level is now hampering my efforts to take my kid's fishing especially my youngest aged 8...Life is so unfair at times. I want no ones sympathy mind you and I am so greatful to have my beautiful family. I tend to think positively, even in my worst bouts of pain. It will not break me but having a Doc that understands would help me so much more. Oh and also the fact that I do not use alcohol stumped the Doc as he was all for blaming the drink and a man with temperate ways he imagined I was not.

Anyhow as I said above it is great to find this place. We are the experts on Pain and a Doctor that is listening to his patients yet Hearing nothing from us, has to be made change his way of treating fellow human beings that are having their lives taken from them by their own fucking bodies shutting down...PEACE Everyone & I wish you all Health, Strength & Happiness to enjoy it...Charkiek

in reply to

I'm on amtriptyline works wonders at night come morning it's full on again until I take it at night during the day I take tramadol 4-6 tablets and it's does nothing for the pain

in reply to

Oh I slept like a log, but it didn't do anything for pain. If Tramadol (100mg capsules?) isn't touching your pain I'd ask for either a different, stronger, painkiller or to be referred to a pain clinic.

in reply to

I've asked for both months ago still waiting it's like speaking to a brick wall all the gps are all the same

in reply to

Push...ring every day, it's your body, your pain. I am on Oxycontin (morphine in other words) and Co-Codamol for breakthrough pain, but I only got that by asking. Not all GPs are the same.

in reply to

I will Jayne I'm seeing a foot specialist next month it's getting worse not better had a steroid injection in my left wrist 2 months and and its done nothing at all my hands finger go numb at night I was on 8 tramadol a day but that left me a wreck I now take. 4 maybe I don't take enough I'm worried as I only have One kidney

in reply to

Yes do, because pain affects every area of your life.

I get that in my right arm, wake with it dead and heavy, it's from discs pressing on nerves. Have you had an MRI or been tested for carpel tunnel? I must have a really strong constitution because I never, ever, get side effects from strong drugs! There are other painkillers but you have to be careful with one kidney don't you?

I keep saying if I'd been a horse they'd have shot me long since!

Letmein76 profile image
Letmein76 in reply to

I never get side effects from any of my meds. Is this unusual or is it, as you say, a strong constitution? I take Gabapentin, Duloxetine and Tramadol topped up with Cocodomol. I get an hour or two of taking the edge off my pain but none of these are enough to do the job properly.

TartanTiger profile image

I have lower back and leg nerve pain, pregabalin worked but i put on a shed load of weight and was starving and "stoned" all the time. Had been advised to stop Gabapentin and try the pregabalin.

For me the Gabapentin works well, no hunger or being dopey, just be aware that the dosages may seem to be high as you need more of it than the pregabalin.

I also take ampitryptline at night at 50mg and it helps me get a few hours decent sleep.

Everyone is different some preferring pregabalin others the gabapentin, I always say try it and see. For me it has been a saver and has meant I am no longer wheelchair bound.

Duvet profile image

Hi Bunce,

I have tried Gabapentin, but for me it made me go all wobbly and made me feel out of it all the time, it also didn't eleviate the pain in my hips, back a and down my legs either, so I switched to Pregabalin (Lyrica) which even on a low dose is helping a bit. Amatriptyline is a good drug in high doses I find. I take 75mg at night and it helps me to have more night of undisterbed sleep. I do get nights when I am awake due to pain, but they usually happen when I am having flares anyway.

Everyone is different and meds work differently on some people than they do others. Just trial and error Bunce really. Take care. C xx

Leelee16661 profile image
Leelee16661 in reply toDuvet


I am the same I have lower back pain and siactica pain. They gave me gabapentin and I felt so spaced out and sick on it!. I changed to the pregablin and am fine on it. It helps take the edge of the pain but thats with it being combined with tramadol. I have no problems due to weight gain since taking it, in fact Ive lost weight!

Although I agree everyone is different and different things work for different people.

Take care L x

QueenV profile image

Hi I have nerve damage in my ribs & I could not function at all without gabapentin. I still have pain but it takes the edge off. I have gained weight but I'm not active anymore like I used to be. I hope this helps.

Ydontujustdie profile image

Hi, I was given Amitriptyline for neuropathy in my legs. My experience of pain is that your energy level determines how severe you perceive the pain. If you are doing something that captures your interest you can forget the pain but if you get overtired it can take you to a personal universe of agony. So any treatment that causes tiredness makes your pain threshold drop, undoing any pain killing benefit it may have had. This stuff causes a dry mouth too. It turned me into a zombie with bad breath who felt quite ill.

Don't forget that your liver and kidneys don't like you taking any drug at all. If one of these fails you will know about pain levels 8-10

Does anybody use imaging techniques? If the pain isn't protecting you from anything such as bones girding together and is just there to torture you, there are techniques that need practice but once they become a habit you do not need to take pils. If you take the pills while you are weak or unwell it's easy to associate the symptoms you have with the pills. I've done more drug trials than a U.S. Soldier so I know all about taking pills and the way to go is imaging/self hypnosis. Tens, exercise and a social life.

I have had to neglect these recently due to our lovely Nazis at the job centre

who have me jumping through hoops day and nightL I'm really feeling my symptoms now and look forward to getting this pack of Wolves off my back and get a routine going again.

My last tip is if you can get a dog, get a dog. You HAVE to go on at least two walks a day then but being a dog owner increases your wellbeing. Also get bikejoring or dog joring equipment so that on bad pain days the dog can provide the leg power. My little 15k terrier loves galloping along dragging me on a bicycle. Amywosername should go down the toilet.

cillasmum profile image

Hi I am currently taking amitriptyline and gabapentin for nerve pain I.e. CRPS in my hand and arm.

I take 2 x 10g Amitriptyline before I go to bed and this acts as an aid to help me sleep and as a muscle relaxant

I take 3 x 300g gabapentin three times a day along with tramadol. Several weeks ago my consultant asked me to up the gabapentin dosage to 3, 4 times a day however I had to reduce this after a week or two as I started stumbling, hallucinating and I actually ended up having a bad fall. I felt spaced out at times and was quite confused at times.

Currently I would say that this manages the pain okay however there are occasions when the pain spikes... Also I feel like I am really forgetful at times e.g. Putting things down and 10 seconds later I am still trying to find it

These drugs have had no effect on my appetite and therefore my weight has not fluctuated in any way. However I would say that I'm now at home most of the day and through boredom I do find myself eating more but I make sure that I cut down the following day. I hope this helps in some way.

onamission profile image

I suffer with nerve pain in my lower back I take Nortiptline 50mg at night I have tried other drugs but they done suit me

micox profile image

I've used Pregabalin (Lyrica) full dosage and Duloxetine for nerve pain from lumbar spine. I've found these to be the best medication after a couple of years' trial with all sorts e.g. Tramadol, Morphine.

As an ex ASW I think Amitriptyline is filthy stuff!

in reply tomicox

What's Asw ?

micox profile image
micox in reply to

Sorry: Approved Social Worker - the specially trained practitioner in mental health who made (now AMHP: Approved Mental Health Practitioner) the application (or not) based on approved doctors' recommendations for compulsory admission to hospital, commonly known as a 'section.'

in reply tomicox

Thank you

As8u profile image

As most say - these drugs affect everyone differently - I was prescribed both amatryptoline and gabapentin .... and neither helped me in any way - amatryptoline ade me so dozy and tired i could barely function (slurring my words each night) and the gabapentin just made me agitated - I now take solpadol daily and tramadol only at night - during worst pain I have a Qitenza patch administerd approx every 3 months and this def works better thab most oral meds - hope this helps

Sewnsew profile image

Hi, I'm just wondering if you have had your B12 checked? My husband had pain in both legs, his B 12 was about 250 which is in range but I believe it is better if it is above 500. He has improved with B 12 injections, but still gets the pain sometimes.

sherrywaits profile image

Hi ,I';m just wondering if any on has been put on all these drugs at one time and they don't work ,Diclofenac Sodium 75 mg, 2 times a day Gabapentin 300 mg 1 -3 times a day,methocarbamol 750 mg 1-3 times a day Meloxican 15 mg 1 a day, amatryptoline 2 times a day ,Zorvolex 35 mg 1-3 times a day And I still can't go to store or any were I have to walk more the 20 min ,I have pain in my neck ,had sugary ,Paine in my lower back did not help ,and they tell me it's all articles in my neck and hips,and I have numbness in my feet up to my knees ,Plus I get injections in my nick and hips ,still can't walk to my mail box that is 100 yards away .with out siting down for some time before I can get back to my house , Being 65 is hell ,

Marycathline profile image

Amitriptyline I is not working for me been on it for about 3 weeks

in reply toMarycathline

Takes 4-6 weeks for full benefits from the drug

earthwitch profile image

It really depends what type of nerve pain, and what is causing it. Amitryptylline at very low doses (10 mg to 25mg, and definitely not over 50 mg) can be very effective for pain generally, but specially nerve pain. However it can take a while to get used to it and even the very smallest doses can make you feel really knocked out in the morning at first. The good news is that most folk get over the zonk-out effect very quickly and it then becomes quite effective. If you do try it, take the lowest possible dose. Start it when you have a couple of days where you don't have to be alert in the morning (eg a weekend) so it doesn't knock you out for work, and don't even think about increasing the dose until you are sure you have got over any side effects, and you are sure you really need to increase the dose. Also, take it about 12 hours before you want to wake up in the morning, rather than immediately before you go to bed.

Both Pregabalin and gabapentin are similar types of meds and can be quite effective for the right kind of nerve pain, but I think are much more likely to cause side effect problems (including weight gain and making you a bit zonked out) . I'd be more keen to try the amitryptylline first before trying either of these.

Paul1874 profile image

I've had both, gabapentin worked well with me until i got put on pregablin, they work better

Ydontujustdie profile image

I'm not sure if you get used to amitriptyline or just get used to half life as a zombie. It shuts you up and stops you from going to the doctor to moan about it though.

in reply toYdontujustdie

Works then I feel spaced out most days beats living in the real world

Ydontujustdie profile image
Ydontujustdie in reply to

True. Also in the real world there are times that an erection could be useful providing your partner can tolerate a sandpaper tongue and dragons breath

in reply toYdontujustdie

I'm a allergic to females end up losing money sex is the last thing on my mind

jules37 profile image

managing pain is a game, what works for one may not work for another. the medicines seem right for nerve pain, is it possible there is another pain killer your taking and not mentioned that goes with these two as well, may be tramadol or cocodamol etc

Amitriptyline works for my nerve pain in feet legs toes but I've put lot of weight on got a chocolate addiction now which is not helping at all

Bunce profile image
Bunce in reply to

How many mg are you on?

in reply toBunce

40 mg per night

Vics06 profile image
Vics06 in reply to

I have the same weight gain and sweet tooth issues with these drugs. I have tried pregabalin, gabapentin and duloxatine. These are most effective for me and would rather a bit of extra weight than agony all the time. I am however due to try a new thing with quetenza patches. 8% capsicum so way above the cream that did nothing. These are going to burn but if they work I am coming straight off these tablets

FunkyMumma profile image

I wouldn't take either of them, and I've had both.

leagle81 profile image

Amitriptylne i found to work, gabapentin put me in the ER with really bad side effects. I got nauseated, felt like my face swelled and had a horrible headache. Will never take that again

Bunce profile image

How much ampitryptline is helpful in terms of mg? Thanks

Only drug that's works for me it's been a lifesaver 30-mg works for total numbess and tingling in feet and toes I suffer from CTS too helps the hands and wrists

stix profile image

I am about to try Pregabalin Teva for the first time, but very anxiuos after seeing the long list of side affects, did any body get any trouble ?

lala1967 profile image

i have pain in my neck and arm due to having a slipped in my neck. i had disc replacement surgery in november 15.

i was given pregabalin and ampitrypaline at 1st

but recently changed 2 gabapentin and amitrypaline was upped to 75mgs

they help me during the day but dont sleep at night x

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