Yesterday I just found out I have a pituitary gland enlargment and I want to get a septum piercing this week.Do you think it would be ok to get a septum piercing?
Need Help: Yesterday I just found out I have a... - Pain Concern
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No. Not ok.
Not the time to be putting your body under stress and at risk of infection. Leave it till you are fully fit again
Definitely not. There have been items on TV about body piercings causing all sorts of infections including cardiac....π
Do not go ahead. You could jeopardise any medical help needed at this time. and do not have any tattoos or piercing of any sort at all.n You will make things worse for your body and may not recover if things do go badly wrong as they can
Short answer. No.
I agree leave it and do not have it done,in fact I would think again about having it done at all.
I don't really know much about this condition but wondering why a piercing would affect it? Xx
Are the Drs planning on treating this or just leaving it?
I'm also not sure why a nose piercing would affect this condition.
That said it's always more prudent to make sure you're as well as possible before doing something like that, which is, like others say, opening you to risk of infection etc.
You could always ask the Drs.
The gland is situated on the brain, a few inches behind the nose. Its encased in bone but it makes sense to not aggravate the area until you know what is going on. Incidentally, the gland regulates reproductive hormones, which might account for your menstrual problems. Best wishes.