Hi, I am here to talk with others who are having pain, so we can support each other. I am in pain from an old military injury, 24/7. Mostly my lower back, going into my hip and groin, then down my leg, into feet; I also have sciatic nerve pain on both sides-this is just part of my pain. I go to physical therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractors, with no end to my pain. I have celiac disease and am allergic to all pain meds. So, need help in conquering this pain. Thanks!
Need Help!: Hi, I am here to talk with others... - Pain Concern
Need Help!

Hi Drdehooks
Welcome to Pain Concern, very pleased to have you in our Community.
Hi there welcome, have you tried a tens machine, you may have had this suggested but worth a go if you haven't tried it.
Hope you get some relief soon.
Sending gentle hugs Sheryl
Hi Sheryl4659, yes I use one at home but not often since I get the estem at physical therapy and chiropractor. But, I think I need to use it at home too; at home I use ice and heat and bio-freeze. Plus, I use essential oils but nothing cause me to be completely pain free. Thank you, I am going to start using my tens unit more often at home.
Sorry you are having all this pain with no meds to help. I have used the tens machine & it does help nicer pain than what you are going through. If you haven't tried it is worth a go. It's awful we suffer this chronic constant pain and not much we can do about it 😟
Thanks Jenharri, it is awful! I am so tired of being in pain; I just cry-there is nothing I can do! Yes, I have a portable tens unit at home, I do not use it that often but I use one when I go to physical therapy and chiropractor; the one I have at home, is not as powerful as the other ones. I just wish I could have one day, completely pain free!
Do you class Amytriptyline & Gabapentin as pain meds? Those class of drugs can help people in your situation I feel so sorry you are not getting any relief whatsoever. I use the wireless tens machine it is a strong machine & is my favourite.
Hope you get some kind of help and soon
amazon.co.uk/Med-Fit-Plus-P... Hope you can click on the link Med Fit this was by far a life saver at times Excellent product & no wires I've often worn it going out, have also had it on 24 hours straght at least I got some sleep. Even if it's just a little it helps.
Take care x
I was able to click the link but it is only sold in the UK but I found other TENS Unit on Amazon. Thanks!
I'm glad they are a great help.
amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00... This is by far my life saver I use the heat mat every day. Spine problems respond more to heat than cold. If you get the chance purchase one it will become your best friend.
Hello Drdehooks
I hope the pain is a litle better today.
My mother and I both swear by heat packs and ice packs. My mother uses old fashioned warmed Wheat packs for her hip (an old rta injury - she also has metal bolts holding bones together) but I opted for the modern stick on pads which I've found so good.
We both enjoy a good soak as well, she can't tolerate it when it gets cold but I find that sometimes the cold actually appears help so I just sit in the bath until I feel better. When feeling flushed, I take myself off for a good massage and hydrotherapy at a local spa.
Last but not least, good old Mindfulness also appears to help - I've combined it with the Lamaze technique breathing - which has also helped to cut down on pain meds.
All the best going forward.
Hi Reykua, thanks for the information. I went to my chiropractor yesterday and have been putting ice and heat on my back and heat, plus at the chiropractor, they use electro stem, so it helped some. I also started by using biofreeze, which has been helping. Yes, I have my massage on Friday. I cannot stand cold either:); my pain get worse in cold weather. Since my hip is also hurting, it is hard for me to get into the bath tub and soak:), I used to soak in Epson salt water and it helped. Thanks for reaching out to me!
Yes. its really hard to stay positive when you're in constant pain. Do give the breathing technique a go if you can - I've found it extremely helpful. Try to identify all the things that can distract you - even for a few minutes. I find I can distract myself for a few minutes at a time - especially when its dark chocolate or any of my favourites shows.
I have read your 'posts' Drdehooks, and without being patronising, I'm sorry that you suffering so. If you don't mind me asking...Where and what kind of injury did you receive? It's just that to still to be suffering like this, I assume, some time later the surly it must have been a serious injury you got (sorry couldn't think of a better word her).
Yes TENS machines can work, for some people, though not all-it would appear-surly worth trying mind.
I do send you my very best wishes.
Thank you AndrewT! I got injured in Basic training; I was running PT and stepped into a hole-it was pretty deep, my right leg went into it. I went to sick call but they gave me muscle relaxers and took me off duty for awhile. I hurt my low back, hip, and pelvic. I stayed in 12 years and got out, went Civil Service for about 7 years and retired. Down through the years, my injuries has progressed, due to not being treated properly; there are no really good doctors in my area-was traveling to GA for treatment but cannot travel now much. So, that is the reason for my constant pain-plus, at the end of Dec last year, someone slammed into the back of my car, causing my already back, hip, & neck issues to give me more pain. Yes, I am going to go get another TENS unit from the VA hospital as soon as I can get an appointment; in the meantime, I will keep using the one I have and getting electro stem at therapy😊