going for esa medical next week help - Pain Concern

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going for esa medical next week help

nettes profile image
16 Replies

going for a esa medical next week. first one in 20 years. really getting screwed up about it as i;m in a bad state and have got a few more injuries .any help please

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nettes profile image
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16 Replies
stampede187 profile image

Hi nettes,

Is it the worry about what may be involved in the medical appointment, or concern over physically getting there?

At one stage when I could barely get around at all I received a house visit, and now go to a building with easy access so they will accomodate for that. If it is the medical you are concerned about, they will ask how you are day to day and how your problems affect you and complete any examination they feel is necessary from your response and the notes they have; for my back, they conducted a few checks where they looked and felt my back, asked me to complete a few movements the best I could and also checked my reflexes and sensation in my legs due to symptoms I experience..... nothing invasive and was not made to feel uncomfortable by the doctor (well.... some of the stretches were painful!). And that is it really; they write a report and send it to ESA for you.

Hope all goes well, take care.

nettes profile image

hi stampede 187, hubby is driving me and will be with . it;s just the feeling they are trying to catch me out, they left me alone to get one with it for so long and now they have called me in.just worried thats all . one hear's so many bad out come's.seeing my neuro con 2 days before ,so may be able to tell them i'm going to have more surgery. anyway thanks. nettes

biffbrain profile image
biffbrain in reply to nettes

Try to get a letter from the consultant detailing ur obvious inability to function well physically. They will photocopy it. It can only help.

Bananas5 profile image

Hello netts

There has been so much written about these Atos tests and that I feel forewarned is forearmed.

I presume you have submitted all the medical evidence prior to going?

Take someone with you. They will be watching you fom the moment you nter the building. Asking you how you travelled, how far away you parked etc.

Unfortunately your pain is not considered by many HCP carrying out your assessment. They want to see what you can do not what your disability says you can't.

Be positive.

Good Luck and let's hear how you get on.

Pat x

dogbreeder profile image

Advise, Be sure to make it your very worst day, When sitting in front of them If on you worst day you could not sit or stand or lye for any more than five min etc show this even if your not on your worst if you get the drift. keep moving around don't allow them to make you do anything that you wouldn not be able to do if your on you worst day. When they ask how was your jorney etc really bad, can't cope etc Don't be strong as they will take this, and record you as able. Just be who you are with all the sh*t you are on your very worst day. As they will not have any idea of the real you otherwise. Good Luck

Yes, they ARE trying to catch you out... anything that will have you off benefit it what it is all about, so keep remembering that!

Try not to get too wound up, and EXPECT to be knocked back, and have to appeal - this happens to SO many, you might say it is the normal path of how it works! :-(

Read as much as you can about it, so you give the right answers/responses, and behave the right way too.

I am told by those who know that you should apply to GET IT RECORDED at all costs, (it will delay things, but get on to them NOW! They will try to put you off like everything) as that seems to prevent some of the worst "excesses" that ATOS get up to, (and there are some horror stories!) after all, they are going to be so much more prim and proper if it's all there to be listened to afterwards - I didn't need to have a face to face assessment as I was placed on the WRAG straight away (but I really NEED to be on the Support group) without even having to go for an ATOS assessment at all, so am having to appeal anyway. Appeals take forever, the longest time I have heard of is 14 months, but some seem to happen far quicker, more like 6 months, it's just a lottery - btw send all documents recorded delivery at the very least, (Special Delivery if you can afford it) Wherever possible send things in writing, not phone. Regardless of how you contact them, they seem NOT to reply to ANYTHING you write, but at least then you can prove you wrote it! eg. I had my ESA 100% stopped on a (wrong) technicality - yes, they have reinstated it immediately, but have not even replied to my letter telling me, nor have they acknowledged my appeal, and it's ages since it went in!

Up to 42% of people are winning appeals, so many are being wrongly categorised, even based on how arbitrary the rules are in taking benefits from people, so it is only really the first stage for so many people.

Doesn't stop you getting stressed, I know I am highly stressed by it all, and my appeal is definitely in and in good time - but don't treat this stage as the end of it all, and you won't be too disappointed if it goes that way.

Lots of info online, groups on Facebook etc. do your homework, get on Google and find out what it is like in practice from many more people than me, and leave **nothing** to chance!

Good luck.

nettes profile image
nettes in reply to

hi picton-got the letter on saturday.been put in support group-thank goodness.thank you for your advice .

in reply to nettes

Doing better than me then!.. in WRAG, waiting for appeal to come through to get into Support Group!


All the best, try not too worry, keep calm and explain what is wrong and the problems that you have in every day life

Write a note with a list of your problems, medications what you need to fulfil life choices.

If you need to appeal the Citizens Advice will help you fill in an appeal.

Remember the specialists you see before the appointment will normally be approached to explain your disability and how it fits into your daily life.

Prezzies may be given from occupational therapist to help will daily activities

All the best



nettes profile image
nettes in reply to

hi BOB got my letter on saturday and have been put in the support group.feel so relieved x

in reply to nettes


Glad all worked out


johnsmith profile image

I have just filled in my ESA50. They got 33 pages of typed A4. So it is obvious I can work. However working for an employer under employer time scales that is something different.

Contact the voluntary agencies who specialise in this matter. Citizan's advice is too general for the specialist help you need.

My understanding is that if you can do some work related activities ATOS will decide that you are capable of all work related activities

Have a look at


There is some useful stuff there.

nettes profile image

thank you to all of you. I read in the paper today that a poor guy who was born with only one arm was asked at his ATOS test if he thought his arm would grow back in the next 2 years!

what a load of ====! what hope do we have.thank you nettes

merlinmac profile image

Hi Nettes

I went for atos thing and am also appealing. Not heard anything back yet so waiting it does not help when you have the problems we have.

They sent me an appointment. They cancelled it and put me straight in the support group indefinitely when: they received 7 pieces of evidence I had collected from the various people who treat me and taken from my notes over the last year or so. I believe the most important was a phrase from my GP "It would be dangerous for her to work". Legally they cannot take you off benefit then. Do not be afraid to ask your professionals for letters! Secondly I asked them to see a copy of their risk assessment for my examination. By law as a Govt. agency they must do these, but they don't. That maybe why they dropped me like a hot potato! It is well worth subscribing (about £18pa) to the "Benefits and Work" (not a govt. agency) emails. They are so informative about what the rules are and have guides for filling in each section of the ATOS forms. Totally worth the money, and revealing as to just how manipulitive the system is. That's how I found out about the risk assessment issue, and "It would be dangerous for her to work" (your Doctor still has to believe it's true, of course.)

nettes profile image

i have been put in the support group.....i have been on IB for 24 years and i'm not getting any better ,so waste of time and money.also more surgery later in the year.

my doctor believes it's truex

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