Hi, I am 30 yrs old and recently had pains and numbness in right arm, shoulder and leg, pains are like growing pains with tingling and also stiff neck on right hand side. I have tried googling this but found nothing!
Help!: Hi, I am 30 yrs old and recently had... - Pain Concern

Don't rely on google! You need to get an appt with your GP - to at least find out the various reasons for your symptoms. Good luck
As we always say here - first port of call must be your GP. It could be any one of a number of causes and he wil know how to help you.
Good Luck
Pat x
do see GP sooner rather than later, just in case. Never ignore anything that might be spine related ( as I found out to my cost!)
Go and see your GP or at least an Osteopath.
Never ignore being in pain go get help ASAP
I have numbness/tingling in both my legs, was diagnosed with scoliosis at 17 yrs old, (im now 29) recently went for an mri scan on my head, spine and pelvis to check my spinal cord but thankfully showed no damage just the significant curve in my spine, am now awaiting nerve tests so definatly seek medical advice if you have numbness or tingling to make sure its nothing serious and to put your mind at rest
I think the help you need is from a real health professional. Go see your doctor and discuss these things to him. Make sure it's a specialist in joint pain because they exactly know what's the probable cause of the pain you're feeling. Have you considered a magnetic therapy too which is good in normalizing the blood flow in the body and relieve/prevent pain from wrist, arms, elbows, legs and other joint problem. I hope this helps and I know, with proper medication, you'll be back in shape soon!