My g.p has referred me for a neck x ray. It has been 3 weeks now and I haven't received appointment letter. How long before I receive appointment letter?
How long do I have to wait for my x ray appoi... - Pain Concern
How long do I have to wait for my x ray appointment ?

I'd phone the xray department and check if the referral has gone in. If it has, ask if you can just come in any time for it - that kind of xray usually doesn't need any special prep so if you don't mind waiting your turn, it may be easier to go in without an appointment. You do need to make sure they have the referral ordering the xray first though.
My last two practises have just handed a chit to me to take to the hospital X-ray dept.
My GP made my appointment with the orthopaedic clinic ,for problems with my neck , which took about six weeks to get ,but at that first appointment I got my neck X-ray , plus diagnosis , and treatment all in one go ,but our surgery does give some people little chits to take straight to the local hospital for X-ray , you could ask your G P about your referral ,just incase it has not been sent out ,hope you get seen soon Jacqui
Simple xray I have always got in within a few days , chase it up x
Thanks guys. I will be chasing it up on Monday morning. The pain is unbearable and without a proper diagnosis, I can't get the proper treatment.
I had an urgent referral for foot X-ray, doc faxed off request and said I should get phone call within few days. Despite me chasing and the doc I got appointment through post - X-ray scheduled for 4 weeks after urgent request. Had X-ray last week now waiting results sent to GP this could take another 2 weeks hospital said. Can understand why more people using A and E! It seems since April this year the nhs has been on melt down - anybody else had same experiences?
It seems from reading your replies on here that the referral process varies across the NHS as does the time it takes. Here in Coventry for plain Xray we have a walk in department at the local hospital, with results returning to your GP within about a week on average. The doctor just gives us a form of request and you just go to the department and wait to be Xrayed. MRI's , ultrasounds and other specialist Xrays or scans require an appointment which can take time unless urgent. Most none urgent appointments come through on paper within a month but may be scheduled to several weeks ahead. I just received a none urgent appointment after three weeks but the date is not till eight weeks on in October. Return to your Gp if you are waiting more than a month would be my advice to anyone.