I’ve been getting pain in my neck for months but the past 2 weeks it’s gotten worse to the point that at times when I turn my head I electric shock type starts going across my head & giving me a massive migraine & go dizzy so. Saw my doctor who sent me for a X-ray and I received the results today online saying their abnormal & to contact my doctor which I’ve booked appointment on Tuesday and it says “slight reduction of intervertebral disc height at the c4/c5 and c5/c6 levels is in keeping with the aforementioned spondylosis” along with other things I’ve attached the screenshot of the results, does anyone know what these mean?
Had a X-ray done on my neck pain: I’ve been... - Pain Concern
Had a X-ray done on my neck pain

Hi Mand
I suffered with Neck pain for almost 2 long years ...
Nobody could help me
I was living In Athens on business at the time and had Scans done .
Nothing showed up of any significance .
Then I returned home and was sent to a neurologist in Glasgow .. he said he believed it was a trapped nerve in my neck
He told me he would like me to try an Antidepressant called Amitryptaline ...
I was quite indignant and said .. I’m NOT Depressed !
But he explained that the properties in this drug were accidentally discovered to have a muscle relaxant effect on the body ...
so reluctantly I tried it!
He was Right ....after what I remember to be a couple of months ... my Pain was Gone !
I recently told a good friend who was suffering from back pain
Caused by nerve pinching .
After a few weeks on Amitriptaline ... her back is no longer painful after years of suffering
Maybe , hopefully it will work for you too ..
Ask for it and see .. I could gladly have performed radical self -surgery on my neck / head
I was in so much pain .
Good luck
Need MRI. MRI shows tissue relationships. X-ray cannot show this. Can be a muscle related problem or something else. Hence the need for MRI scan.
Over contracted muscles can be helped by McTimony chiropractic and Alexander Technique. Pain killers will remove sensitivity needed to control muscle. Lack of sleep will interfere with fine muscle control. Fine muscle control is needed to reduce pain no matter what is found on the MRI scan if you can persuade your GP to get you one.
Hope this helps.
I agree that an MRI might be helpful. This could be a nerve problem.

Or muscles behavioral issues causing pressure on nerves. Thus creating nerve problem.
Will see what my doctor says about the results tomorrow and will mention about the mri
The reduction in disk space can contribute to nerve issues as well. There might also be problems with the foramina causing pressure on nerve bundles. I had pains in the neck, shoulder and left arm and needed a foraminotomy at C6 and C7 to release the foraminal pressure on those nerve bundles.
Ask for your active vitamin b12 ,MMA ,folate,iron,ferritin,vitamin D levels.Low vit b12 & D can cause severe head,neck,back,knee,shoulder pain.If I only knew this 20 yrs ago I would have saved myself nerve damage but unfortunately Drs are not trained in nutrition.Your serum b12 needs to be >500 or supplements required.view videos on b12awareness.org. For facts
I had my bloods done last month & my vitamins were, vitamin D 57, ferritin 38, folic acid 17, vitamin b12 411, all we’re in the normal ranges
Vit D is low should be closer to 90.if Aussie range .I know the difference when I took Vit D 3 .Serum B12 is reknown to be unreliable as it’s whats in the cells that’s accurate not the blood .My sisters was in 400s she had anxiety,falls,painful ankle, migraines has supplemented with b12,folate & b complex supplements & a different person.
6 years ago I suffered from teeth abscesses,breaking off ,bone & joint pain ,a corneal ulcer,lightning flashes my eye specialist informed me it could be low vitamin D .He was right .I Have supplemented to keep it up no problems since.My husband worked as tree surgeon in sun 29 yrs he too was D & vit B12 deficient.
I’m on 20mcg 800iu vitamin D ,
My gp has sent a referral to the hospital for me to see the othopedic specialist just gotta wait to receive the letter from the hospital to book the appointment could be weeks/months