Sharp pain in right hip before ejaculation - Pain Concern

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Sharp pain in right hip before ejaculation

AdamBreit profile image
25 Replies

Hello everyone,

This is my first post. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I have a sharp pain in my right hip when I reach the point of no

return, just before ejaculating. The pain lasts until after ejaculation is


The pain is situated in the hip area, right under the skin. It feels like a nerve is

burning, but I'm unsure.

The pain started appearing as a tingling sensation some 20 months ago and had now reached a point where it is nigh unbearable.

Does anyone have any ideas on what might cause this?

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AdamBreit profile image
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25 Replies
RibvanRey profile image

I certainly think that you should mention this to your GP.

Bananas5 profile image

Could be muscle tightening but first port of call must be your GP.

Pat x

AdamBreit profile image

I have asked my GP what it might be but he has no answers for me. He doesn't really know. I also asked another GP about it but he has the same answer.

Sounds like your hip rotated the pain you have said common finding anteriorly rotated left ileum there are some exercise you can do they are on the net

mitziblue profile image

I'd ask for an MRI because it sounds like it has something to do with the nerves in your spine. My bf had back problems without even knowing only symptom was he felt like his balls were in a vise. Good luck as it's not a good feeling. xxx Mitzi

Good luck with trying to get a MRI on nhs it's like getting blood from a stone

Flashharry profile image


as someone has already suggested it may be muscular spasm but what about pudendal nerve entrapment?

you'll find other symptoms here - might be worth taking a look

Good Luck

JulianSorel profile image
JulianSorel in reply to Flashharry

Finally got the diagnosis and therapy.

I have the same problem - plan in the hips when ejaculating.. It has to to with the pudental nerve. I was told to see a Physical Therapist, which I did. He was confused at first but when I said my doctor thought it was the prudental, the PT perked up and said "of course". He gave me exercises to do and slowly the pain disappeared and turned into just tight muscle feeling. He also said to be patient because the effects of the exercise would take time before the pain or muscle tightness is totally gone.

acidburn_9779 profile image

I have the same problem. I went to the doctor and it's caused from a pinched nerve in my neck.


Did you get any answers from your GP whats the cause?

I have exactly the same issue u descriping.

ckrd profile image

Hi, I had issues with urination frequency that ended up being my stomach, i was given pills and immediatly after stopping them, 2 days i had painful bladder and painful ejactulation exactly as you describe. H.pylori bacteria had taken over my gut and after 6 months I cured that while eating very clean. The problem is i have constant inflammation in the gut and bladder area and this seems to have radiated to those muscles that are connected to the gut and prostate. When the prostate contracts the pain as you mention starts. The worst thing to do is have sex. Try to find the route of the inflammation or why that muscle is injured and avoid ejactulation so it can heal. If you habe any food alergies or stomach issues this could be the problem. Try eating an elimination diet, avoid sex and gently try to strengthen those muscles while stretching. If you cross your feet and reach with your arms up towards the direction of the crossed foot you should feel tense in that area of the hip. This could take a year. But you must avoid the route of the problem and not strain it any futher until it heals.

Cyclone82 profile image
Cyclone82 in reply to ckrd

yes i have this right now. and i have problem with bacteria in my gut. everytime i have ejaculatation it hurts on the right side of the hip or lower back on the right side. so are you saying i cant have sex for a year to get it healed? this wont go away after your gut gotten healthy from GERD? any exercise to improve this?

DaveQ profile image

I thought it was all in my head. I have the same problem.

Jay7519 profile image
Jay7519 in reply to DaveQ

Have the exact same thing now ,, very puzzled with this

Jay7519 profile image

I have the exact same thing now ,,, it only happens when I ejaculate,, get this pain in my right hip at the top 🤔 ,,, very puzzled by this

sfg9482 profile image

I also have this exact same issue where I get shooting pain in my right hip before and during orgasm then fades away quickly. Any ideas for treatment and what is actually wrong?

HipHop20 profile image

I play soccer all my life and before got the same pain on the right hip ( same situation), my doctor told me I have an overused hip from soccer , after couple of months I start having the pain in the hip.

I am 40 and played some professional soccer as well and had twice groin injury in last two years, which may be related to the pain.

Obviously your muscles are contracted when you ejaculate and closest muscles, like hip muscles are contracted as well.

If I was you i would have an MRI, to make sure there is nothing wrong with Hip. Then go backwards, check muscles for tears.. etc...

Ziaf profile image


JulianSorel profile image

I have developed the same problem over the last 3 months. It is not a pain but a definite unpleasant sensation that feels like the nerves on both sides of the hips are "firing" the whole length of the hip from groin level to belt level.

My doctor said he has never heard of such a thing but not to worry; there is no damage. But I dread ejaculating as it occurs in no matter what position I am in, standing, sitting or laying down.

I do hip and pelvic area stretches every morning as a therapy for curing and now avoiding a reoccurrence of sciatica. I wonder if I have over developed some hip muscles or nerves.

Associated with this situation is that the ejaculatory contractions have become extraordinarily strong, even stronger than when I was in my 20s. I am over 70,

Phira10 profile image

Hi, I have exactly the same pain on hip sometimes goes little bit to my thighs

Ahmad82 profile image

I have the same problem for years , got diagnosed with ankylosing sponsylitis last May , and it seems to ease when i stop masturbating or having sex for a while , i think its connected to the ( bacteria and inflammation) theory nether it is in our gut or urinary tract system

hipperp profile image

I have the exact same issue for almost 8 years now.

Is there any update on cause or treatment?

LTlost profile image

I am suffering with the same problem and have done for about a year. I know that as soon as I reach a climax when masturbating, that I'm going to feel a strong, fairly unpleasant tingling sensation in my left hip. It goes away once I ejaculate. Occasionally it doesn't happen but I can't work out what I do differently on those rare occasions. It really is something that takes a lot of the pleasure away.

Nerves seem to be the answer from online searches. I asked my GP when having a prostrate examination and she hadn't heard of it but found it fascinating apparently.

User405 profile image
User405 in reply to LTlost

It’s good to know that I’m not alone in this. My orgasms are also accompanied by sharp tingling in my left hip and have been for a couple of years. It’s not painful but it’s a bit uncomfortable and seems to be a nerve thing. It happens most times when I masturbate but occasionally it doesn’t and I can’t work out what’s been different.

I recently underwent an operation to remove my prostate which has resulted in me losing the ability to get an erection and ejaculate. I can still reach an orgasm which is actually far more intense than before, but the tingling remains, so it can be nothing to do with the prostate. I too mentioned it to my doctor during a prostate examination and she had not come across it before and also found it interesting.

Schnoodle2017 profile image

interesting….. I get this reaction in both hip areas after ejaculation. It started off as a sudden, slight back in August 2021. After that, my hips ache when I ejaculate and ache for sometime after. It eventually settles down. I had a pelvic x-ray in April 2022 yet, the results came back as normal appearances. I think mines nerves. I’ve had PSA text done, couldn’t lower. Prostate examined. I felt nothing, suggesting no infection and dr. was satisfied with what he examined. I have had a sudden bout of sciatica March last year. So….. I wonder if it’s connect. Feels like there’s a nerve of muscular issue.

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