Help.......who can give advice to a 38 year old mum of 3.. backs been pain in bum for 7. Half year now..had opertion Feb 18 the 2011.. 5 hour op that was meant to take hour or two...I remember the date.time perfect because after that op my life changed for the worse ended up with awfully leg pain..could of copped them off...any way carried on working..June last year started with in well feeling....then couldn't sit down I really thought my tail bone had bust open...pain made me feel sick that bad..couldn't av lot gp so wouldn't listen..nor would pain. Clinic although was on morpine didn't had a MRI and contrast scan..3..4 days later went doctors..knew when saw her face she said its not good no physio..or injection will help...told me to take meds every 2 hour if went Newcastle to see neurosurgeon.. who told me I've bad scarel damage and my bottom disc has moved forward has well has a large bit come away sitting GB on my s1 nurvr..only thing to do is to operat....any way its been 7..8 month since and my lower bottom..back pain has eased...I've looked all over internet to see what's change it will come back can't find a thing.?well my op date is next Monday.and petrefied I say no and week after comes back full on if knew what I mean.....its hard I've bad bone..joint pain..hips etc..bottom of my back feels tender..oh the embarrassing bit went docs 2 week ago has in morning ..noticing you knew when don't wipe your bottom right.,but do..well its been there..a doc put he's finger up were I never wanna do that again...and sent me home said I am been on these meds for 3..half year so can't be that...I wipe my self right...the awfully electric sots of lightning I was getting in right leg has eased.....but don't feel right..I am so scared..really...need advice..oh I've had 3 level degantive disc props...feel I'll
Most days...wrists knees sshoulder so sore..I knew a lower back op won't help other places...please help give me advice...and if any one has been though it...what was out told me only knew 2 men who had this didn't have op..and bit of disc that was floating around couseing more props..and other guy was that did was never right....can it disappear that Mont of time...begging now has times ticking..and loads you knew what its like getting a appment to start withxxxx
Sorry so long