I can't go on..just came down off my morpie too!!!!in less had full on sciatica no one nos what its like!!!!!!its my tail bone too!!!!why haven't they ever gave me nurve pain meds!!!!!its now in both legs too...I wish I had that operation now,,,,leg pain awful in ya face!!!its like tooth ace that never eases off....and then bone rubbing together !!help!!!!I've even looked up medication on line....I really thought it would disovle or?? Please anyone with sim props what's helped..oh trying that alaxander thing next week!!♥
Ahhhhh my disc that's excruded out sitting on... - Pain Concern
Ahhhhh my disc that's excruded out sitting on my s1 nurve..sciatica has returned full blown..

Hi steroid injections give me 6 months blessef relief for tailbone pain x

Hi p1pp1ns.. I've never been of offered this..I've had that long needle with camera on was serdated?? But said I wouldn't sit still they did one side..this is worse I've ever been in pain!!had leg pain but like labber pain!!this is worse!!!I will ask xx been pain clinic waste time!!
No this is done under a general anaesthetic so didnt feel a thing, you are only "under " for 5 minutes x

P1ppn1s..well will ask then..has have a bad thing for needles!!!really bad..so will ask..feels like my tail bone has moved?? No sounds werriod but does..???
Whilst you are under the anesthetic your tailbone is injected with steriod, imjectef with local anaesthetic and manipulated into placd7, you wake up to bkessed relief!
Same for David but they won't do them for too long and not too often either.
When he gets other pains under some sort of control - it is always his tail still hurts
Pat x
Hi Paton thats true morphine really helps with back pain but dosnt seem to work on tailbone paim.I have had 2 steroid injections and my consultant doesn't like to fo more than 3 as ot can make scar tissue.Therefore I dread when I come to the end as only coccyx removal left then and thats not an easy op and has a long recovery time x

That is interesting what you say - how little effect morphine has on the tail pain. Never heard about having it removed. Will need to research.
Pat x
Surgeon told me surgerh has 70 percent success rate and high risk of infection as so close to bowel, really dont want it bit maybe no choice, once steroids wear off I housebound as cant sit at all x

Ow. David has riser recliner where he lies down to eat and spends most of his day. Sitting is the worse position and chair does give slight relief.
He already has bowel problems so maybe too risky.
Pat x
Hi, does the steroid injection help him it helpd me greatly? My hubby has cut a hole out in a kitchen chair for me! Lol

I lived on my side for weeks!?!!
Yes been like that because sitting is like sitting om a compass point!

Yes and he is having another on 23rd Can't come soon enough.. Pain clinic and consultant look after him second to none. They are all wonderful.
Love he idea of hole in chair! David has a good coccyx cushion. Cheaper ones are waste of money.
Pat x

P1pp1ns... It says enlargement of s1 joint!!??? Physio said its pain and were discs moved ???would they take it out????yes on morpie!!?! Been on it since my last back operation,,been on nearly ever med!! Nurifin stuff makes me sick!!codenen makes me crazy !!yep I even granded my teeth down in my sleep..sharp tummy pains!!oramorp makes me sick.tramadol made me see things god awful,,this morpie is OK,,but!!!one doctor said I could die having the middle day dose!!!!I cracked!!my doctor who I trusted said too have every 3 hour if needed!!!!she's left!!!cry!!!!so!!I I've a script for slow relise morpie tabs,,,??should give a go!!!!why don't these doctors seem to care about us in chronic pain!!?the thought of having morpie for rest my life makes me cry...I have to have every day!!!xx
Hi I only take one slow release morphine tablet a day it ladts 12 hours x

P1pp1ns. My tailbone is sore because the disc above it has moved forward!???? And bit disc came out there too its horrible no when first happened couldn't sit any were for months,,xx
You could always ask to see the surgeon again. I don't usually advocate surgery but if all you need is a disc tidying up and if the success rates ( for pain ) are good, perhaps its something else you might consider? Some yoga stretches are supposed to be good for sciatica I believe.
Aw honey I feel your pain!!!
I'm assuming you must have been to the pain clinic before if you've been taking morphine? Mind that assumption is based on my GP not being able to prescribe it without first having the written medication plan from my pain specialist nurse.
If you have seen them, I would be expecting a thorough explanation as to why they have not reccomended neuro meds yet. Morphine helps with the muscular aches and pains so wouldn't really make much difference to the nerve pain!
I have disc protrusion between L5/S1 and osteophyites around L4/L5/S1 and have had pain on and off since I was around 12 yrs old, which has been worsened due to a handful of accidents over the years, with the last accident being 2 yrs ago.
Since then I've been in constant pain. I was referred to my local pain clinic a little over a year ago and tho I really didn't want to go, I knew from the very first appointment that I had made the right decision!! I was a little taken aback when I first walked into the consultation room and was faced with 4 strangers, but they really put me at ease, they sat and listened to everything I had to say, then took it in turns to discuss what I needed. The nurse made noted and assessed me, the physiotherapist discussed various ways I could help myself in everyday life and arranged an my first appointment with her then the pain specialist looked at the medication I was on at the time and reccomended a whole bunch of other meds - non of which were pain meds so the GP couldn't prescribe them, but they were neuro drugs which have been found to be therapeutic for nerve pain then I was able to get prescriptions and although I'm still not pain free, they have helped a lot!!!
I also just had my first ever deep root nerve block injections yesterday. I com urgently feel like some one has taken a baseball bat to the small of my back and my thighs but they can take a few days to take effect so fingers crossed I'll be at least almost pain free by the end of the week!!
If your pain clinic have not discussed neuro meds e.g. amitriptyline, gabapentin or pregabalin then get on the phone to them now and ask for the earliest possible appt, then ask why none of these have yet been given to you and don't take no for an answer. If you haven't yet been referred, phone tour GP now to see if they have any emergency appts left for today or when the soonest you can see a Dr is and demand that referral! The Dr should also be able to give you a week or 2 supply of amitriptyline in the mean time, I'm sure you'll be having problems sleeping as I was which is why my GP first prescribed it at a low dose for me before the pain clinic got me up to the therapeutic level.
Please bare in mind that you have to ease your self on to the meds so it's not a quick fix solution but you will get there in the end!!!
Wishing you the very best of luck with this,
Mistee x
should be a "Like" button for posts. I'd "like" this one - good advice.
Hi mistee...that's were I've discs and things out!!and spondy names and stuff has well has a s shape spine lower!!so Iknew how you feel..please read my mMRI message!!!not one doctor has gone over it with me..I feel waste of space at mo.. Don't go out etc!!pain constant!!think my tummy is getting bad from all meds over years..all them discs and s1 nurve I've L3. Prop s too..its bad!!but I want to knew why its bad!!rumo was no help at all,,didn't advice on meds or nothing!!said I must of had a car crash..or bike accident!!I have not!!and my upper back recks and stiff sore.?but mMRI came fine for upper back??? Also my right hip pops feels ouuta joint at times locks up???my hips are different ?so maybe something to do with that!!I just needs help,,physio won't touch me until seen back sepeclist.. Which was Kent to be now,,no word now saying September!! Rang!!they can't find me a appment,,,,,, haaaaww.why am I like this..??????so you think pagapentin be good for me ???xxxxthanks for replaying
Hi me again mistee..went doctor today..he seems nice..gave me pagpentin?? Have you tried??also to try slow release morpie??I am getting sent to chronic pain clinic..hay hay !!!he also thinks I've chronic pain ..but fribo.. One to on top..said when have pain bad like this for years and years..does something to your brain signals..I've been very weppy lately and l am a strong minded person..I still don't knew??rumo put me off that..said fribo was in ya head!?!?well I still heed xrays of my knees etc..wrists..?!if did and was nothing I would be live it?!!! My back props are there in black..white from MRI.. Need to go back to spine guys too..see every doctor..physio has told me something different!!!!!physio said if he looked at everyone's spine they have same.xxxxx.....xxxxx..nuro guy said I've protrusion discs out.and normal prolase discs out.,and its very!!!advanced for my age!!!keeping that letter......my backs gone from L3. Down..also says enlargement of s1 joint????loads spondy words there too.....xxxadvice chick please
Also I've got another appment with a new gp!!I am asking about meds etc..
I am trying Yoga, its not a quick fix but I hope to get good long term results.
I have bought some books on Yoga for backs, and just find it hard to find time to do the postures but they do help when I do them. best of luck to your gran hope it goes well.
I'd def recommend asking for a referral to your local pain clinic honey, your GP is exact that - a general practitioner - they don't specialise in pain like the pain clinic do! The pain clinic will be able to speak to you about all the little details, they can look at your meds and get you on a better cocktail that is most likey to work for you, get you more specialised physio, work on pain management with you and also look at possible treatments for example I have just had deep root nerve injections this week, I have just started a new pain management group and am waiting to start a counciling group! These are all things that could be available to you if you ask for a referral! Good luck!
Hi Mistee. Please tell me more about the nerve root injections / blocks. I think that I need one but im terrified of the procedure and the pain involved. Plus also scared that something goes wrong and I lose the feeling in my leg forever!
Mistee.. Sign me up chick...I've sent another mesage..went doctor today..one never met..nice.gave me pergpentin??? Referring me chronic pain hosptail??!?hope not same has last one..said I will always have pain...but ways off living with it..but very well crying a lot..could chop my legs off..he said he thinks I've croinc pain simdrom??? He said do t like to use word fribo has some think its nowt...with my joint pain and dizziness..etc.but no sign me on lines please keep in touch OK..also I've to use there physio..not one had before?????bet it ended up same placex
See I've been made to be live I've had that a.s thing..which don't get me wrong..glad haven't..but why are the simptons so same...so same..ribb pain etc...????strange even at 23???????? Need answers from those who have a clue..had more common sense from good folk off this site.....so what does that say about doctors..rumos..physio????eh learn from us with same props????????!!!!! Cheers all those who help very much xx
Hi honey, dunno what this a.s. is will have to have a look into it. Sounds as if new doc knows what he's talking about, chronic pain syndrome as far as I know is a kind of general term for someone who has 3-4 or more areas of chronic pain. Fibromyalga (sorry for misspelling) is slightly different but can be equally as nasty. Your best bet is to Google the 2 before your referral, the more you know about them the better equipped you'll be.
If it ends up being the same waste of time place you've been before, go back to the new doctor and ask for a referral to the pain clinic at a different hospital and don't take no for an answer as patients have the right to choose where they get treatment.
I was really skeptical and against going to a pain clinic as I didn't want to learn to live with pain I want to get rid of it, but now I can honestly say that going has been one of the best thing I've ever done!! To those who write it off as pointless or claim it doesn't work, I would say ask for a referral to a different one as like in any job, you get people who are good and people who aren't - maybe your experience was with people who aren't....
I'm always here to help in anyway I can honey, 2 of my pals have fibro and mnd and I'll be swatting up on their conditions so I'll swat up on a.s. and cps xxx
Hi.mistee...scared to try this pegapentin can't spell!!!oh this gp seems to be more on the ball!! But would of liked to go over my MRI with him!!I don't knew??he said with my back and last operationhe thinks iI've got also chronic pain simdrom.. Still can't spell!!!I asked about the solisis in lower spine he said I was born withit!! I ddon't think I was my be that's why my upper half back hurts???never spoke to anyone with it..also a disc has moved forward so that hurts I knew!!!feel it..he said he's likes to call fribo chronic pain SIMD,,, I've always had bad time with doctors even pain cliniconly went before my mMRI in October!! He said coming from old pain from last op.. Wasn't doctor my own who's left!!said sorry..and said what had happened,,up my dose of mophie.. No no I can't don't just want to get on with it etheir no way..need correct help!!I hope to god I get some were...I've a funny colour on my back like milky coffee read up on some sites !!think it needs looked at by correct doctors!!there's back props in my family.. Thanks for all your grill advice yes please keep in touch,,,,.♥hope see someone who knows what s wrong and get me oncorrect tracks.. Xxxbless