Well , It's all over i am now Mrs Graham .. and what a fantastic day , couldn't have went any better , thank u all for all the lovely messages .. we did several recordings on the night , if u would like to see them follow the links below ..
My boys also sang for us , We were so proud of them .. think they are trying to follow mums footsteps lol
We also had my gd friend Kirk James a fantastic entertainer there , who sang us Nessun Dorma
And to finish off a little bit of Don't stop Believing
With so much sadness around i hope this makes u all smile for a little while , and let u feel like u were there lol .. now the wedding is over i have to prepare myself for my next lot off chemo .. haven't received my date yet but they said by the end of the month ..
I danced and sang like there was no tomorrow and for one night no-one thought or mentioned what we are all going through ...
I have removed the links i had up previously as they werent working so if u try
facebook.com/shazican , u might have to scroll down to see all the pics and videos but feel free to have a little nosey while there lol
Hopefully that will work , ploease feel free to add me as a friend xxxx