I'm glad to say that I've achieved another of my things on my wish list, with a visit to the gardens at Kuenkenhoef gardens in Holland, with my best friend and her husband who alos have a motorhome. We had some glorious weather, and some cold and grotty weather. After a lovely meal on the first night at a resturant in Calais harbour, we set off northwards and stopped for 2 nights in Bruges, when it was lovely, and we had a boat ride round the canals. Unfortunatly my friend has other health problems to me, and is unable to walk unaided, so the cobbled streets made it very uncomfortable for her in a buggy! We drove on to the campsite near the gardens, and the weather got cold, so on the appointed day we dressed up in warm jumpers and waterproofs and set off for the gardens. I managed to walk round quite well, with occasional stops, which leased me, but my friend found it very cold on the buggy. The displays were glorious in the marquees, and the gadren beds were amazing. worth the wait.
After the gardens we came back down to Ypres, where my friend had a great uncle buried in one of the cemetries nearby, so that was her wish from the visit.
they came home then, but we stopped on over Easter, and the weather broke.... sat in the van in the rain for 2 days outside Boulogne.
Home again to sunshine, and a Ca125 to check out where I'm at.
now for my next item on the wish list..... Eurostar to Paris....