Hi Everyone,
I wanted to start a question and ask the community about something with regard to this site which really causes us some ... challenges.
As you are all no doubt aware, there are other national and local charities working in ovarian cancer. For the most part we applaud what they do and always seek to work collaboratively where we can.
Today there have been two posts asking this community to support fundraising activities which will benefit other charities.
We have been so grateful for the fantastic things many of you have done and are doing for Ovacome, both in terms of time energy, support and in fundraising. Your donations make a huge difference to us and allow us to provide the wide range of services and activities we know are so greatly valued.
The question is, what should we as the charity moderating and supporting this place do about people using it to fund raise for other charities? We don't wish to delete posts - after all we do feel that this is your community and you should be free to raise issues and discuss as you see fit so long as the guidelines are maintained, but at the same time Ovacome is a charity which relies on donations from its community.
There are a range of opinions, from deleting posts to requesting a share of proceeds, to ignoring them, but there does seem to be an escalation.....
Your thoughts would be most welcome.
L x