Oh dear, disaster has shadowed me again. - My Ovacome

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Oh dear, disaster has shadowed me again.

Kryssy profile image
50 Replies

Hi girls. Just when my friend and I had finished our wonderful day together the worst happened. We had a car crash. It wasn't our fault as we were sat at traffic lights but we both ended up in A & E with whiplash and my friend has an injured wrist. So this was me being carted off - got my friend to take photos for my memory book but the biggest regret of all is that we cannot travel up to see Lily-Anne tomorrow. My friend's car is just about drivable but it has to be sorted as the back end is hanging off but doctor said that neither of us will be feeling too good tomorrow anyway. So, another entry for the diary, which is way behind but one day it will be finished. Until then I'll try to stay out of trouble. We are home again and safe and trying to adjust to our stiff necks. Early night I think. xxxx

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Kryssy profile image
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50 Replies

I hope you are both ok soon. X

JayGeeCee profile image

Omg Kryssy!Sorry to hear that your plans have been sent awry, but glad you have escaped serious injuries.

Hope you don’t feel too bad tomorrow.

Sending hugs, hopefully see you on 14th if puppy is ok, she being spayed next Wednesday.

Joy xxxx

Ge0rg1na profile image

Brilliant. b. Brilliant ! You take the biscuit and I wouldn't like to be you when you wake up tomorrow. Ow!

Caroles1 profile image

Goodness me! I thought only all this stuff happened to me!

Mostly, feel glad you got off lightly ,

horrible your plans have been thwarted, but there is always next time.

Just rest up and lots of painkillers, couldn’t you do your plans by train, if you are up to it?

Wishing you all the best,

Carole xx

CallmeMum profile image

Bloody hell my sweetie! You don’t do things by halves do you? I hope you’re feeling better soon please take it easy and try not to get in any more trouble xxxxxxxxxx

Oh my goodness what a thing to happen but glad no major injuries

It could only happen to you. It does make you think that anything can happen to us any day. That is why we should make the most of every day(when we can) xx

Juleswhee profile image

OMG ,only you springs to mind . Hope you’re not too bruised xx

Nancy222 profile image

Oh Kryssy! So glad you weren't injured more. Take it easy for the next few days.

Air kisses.

babyboy1 profile image

Oh Kryssy! What awful bad luck! So glad though that both you and your friend are ok! You're so awesome! Take care!xxxDawn!😀🌻😀

Oh No!! - Hope you are feeling better very soon. Lyn xx

Alifit profile image

Oh good grief S.S. I am so pleased that neither of you were badly hurt and I do hope you don’t suffer too much in the morning. At least you were at the traffic lights and not doing Thelma and Louise. What a shame you’re not getting to see Lily-Anne. Take care, with all my love Ali xx

January-2016-UK profile image

Think you’re going to feel like a boxer whose done ten rounds in the ring tomorrow. Hope you get the chance to see LA before you return to France as I remember last visit didn’t work out either.

Hi Kryssy Sorry about the accident but so please that you both are ok , try and keep out of trouble take care Lorraine xx💙💙

Neona profile image

Oh my goodness - what else can possibly happen? I am so sorry you won't get to see Lily- Ann but at least you are ok. Sending big hugs.

Maus123 profile image

Hope you will both recover soon and the whiplash isn't too bad, Kryssy. Shame about the travel. Xx. Maus

ShropshireJo profile image

What rotten luck but thank goodness you and your friend are ok. Fingers crossed the aches and pains are bearable. Hope you manage to see LA before you return to France. Jo xx

Katmal-UK profile image

Oh no, hope you not in too much pain from yr injuries. Take it easy xx

Howick01 profile image

OMG-hope you both feel better soon💐

BeeWild profile image

Wtf Kryssy!!! Jeez you like to live life on the edge! I’m so glad you’re both safe and reasonably ok but guess you’ll be stiff as a board today!

Oh how frustrating some pillock has scuppered your plans to go see Lily-Anne and caused you both pain and a poorly car too!

Hope you heal quickly and aren’t too uncomfy sweetie x

Your memory album is going to be uniquely awesome 😁

KBM22 profile image

Oh my Lordy. Kryssy... seriously seriously ?!? 😐!! So glad you are both ok. Hope not too sore. And can’t believe you got your friend to take a picture 😂🙈. Such a shame you miss visit you Lily Anne... can you reschedule in your trip?! Big gentle hugs x

Indujoshi profile image

Get well soon kryssy

Hopefulgal1 profile image

Oh my... am so sorry! Wow life certainly throws things at us sometimes doesn’t it?! I so hope the whiplash isn’t a long lasting pain in the neck ( 😐 sorry couldn’t resist trying to make you smile!!) but seriously take good care and rest up well. Xxx

Mumtazbegum profile image

Omg. Hope you are feeling ok.Good to know that injuries were not too bad. Take care

Kryssy profile image

Morning girls.

I feel fine and thank you for your good wishes. They worked. However, I woke up in the middle of the night absolutely so angry that I had a cry. Angry that whenever I am happy and having a good time something or someone somewhere comes and spoils it. It's happened all my life. I don't mind so much when it just affects me, but my dear friend is devastated. She was about to trade in her beautiful car for the new car of her dreams. We've had a brew together and a cuddle this morning - yes she does have a husband - and I had another little cry but we'll be fine. I've some stuff to rub on my neck. My friend has also a sprained wrist from the steering wheel I guess. Some time today the funny side will kick in - I hope - but because it's affecting my friend more than me it's taking its time. I'm devastated not to see LA today. She had better not go anywhere as I shall try to manage another trip over before Xmas. I'm back on Sunday but all days are full until then. Bugger, bugger, bum, poo and wee!!!!! There, I feel a bit better now. Love to you all. xxxxxxx

Yoshbosh profile image

Oh Kryssy! I'm gutted for you - how dare some pillock ruin your plans like this? I'm not surprised you have shed some angry tears over this.

Please, please stay out of trouble for the rest of the trip, eh?!

Vicki x

ellseybellsey profile image

Kryssy omg you are going through the wars, thankfully

ellseybellsey profile image

Sorry n

ellseybellsey profile image

Chemo shakes, I wanted to write I am ju

Hertsmum profile image

Nooo, Kryssy! Relieved that it is not worse but what a horrible experience for you both. Really sorry you can’t go and see LA. Oh goodness, you couldn’t make it up! Hope the whiplash doesn’t have too long lasting effects and you get good physio for it. Take care


Madeline. Xxx

Coldethyl profile image

What a bugger - hope you’re not too sore today - not surprised you had a cry - as if cancer not enough to make like difficult x

Janet235 profile image

Hope the silly Pratt owned up to his mistake and that you don't have a hard time with insurance claims....

You must feel that everything happens to you! Oh well it Certainly adds to life's experiences . My life is entirely boring at the moment sat on the sofa all day, I'm getting very good at crosswords and puzzles though, but we are going out for a coffee soon to friends...

Take care, no more mishaps please!!

Janet x

Maxjor profile image

Kryssy--the picture alone scared me to death! I hope you aren't feeling too terrible after the fact and you REST until you feel your old self. And so sorry you will miss seeing Lily-Anne. When you do get back to your diary there will be so much more to add! Thinking about you--and this picture!! oxoxox

Kryssy profile image

Hi again.

I felt fine 2 hours ago and now I'm back in bed feeling really bad. My neck is sore and I feel like a wrung out dishcloth. My darling friend is fussing me so I'm well taken care of. Delayed shock. I always get delayed shock. Kryssy calm head kicks in during a crisis - haven't a bloody clue where she comes from - then later, sometimes much later - the shock comes out.

Janet - boring sounds good to me darling. I could do with some boring right now.

My friend's husband is a super star and has sorted all the insurance, courtesy car, etc etc. I just need to find the energy to get my bag packed and be away this p.m. At the moment I just want to curl up and sleep. This is not the way I had things planned. I hope that other driver (bitch) is having a rotten day and it's not like me to wish anyone any harm - but that's how I feel right now. I know it will pass but when I (we) are on limited time we need to have good memories, not bad and that woman is gnawing into my head and spoiling everything. Perhaps a little sleep, shower and rant is the order of the moment.

I feel better just telling you all because I don't want my friend to know how rubbish I feel as she's enough guilt about me already. What a fecking mess!.......

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Hertsmum profile image
Hertsmum in reply to Kryssy

Rant away, lord knows you have every right to! Something good will come along soon, by the law of averages!! Hope the trip home isn’t too exhausting and then you’ll have your lovely hubby to look after you. Take care! Xxxxx💖

Barbara123 profile image

Your poor ladies! What a thing to happen, just pleased that your both ok and apart from being throughly shaken up there is no serious injuries. Hope you feel improved very quickly. Bx

Lily-Anne profile image

Our party sessions are jinxed lol but it’s much more important that you’re okay. We will have that wine and wild meet. I’m sure the idea is to find me a new goal after Sarah Millican lol

LA xx

ZenaJ profile image

Can't believe your luck. You're lucky you got away with 'just' whiplash. Wish you both well. xx

lizzie3bee profile image

Thank goodness you are both ok. Hope you make a speedy recovery. I thought it was only me that was accident prone. Lots of hugs


Cropcrop profile image

Goodness me, you’re certainly going through the wars. It’s a relief nobody is badly hurt, cars can be fixed much easier than we can and, at the end of the day, are just lumps of metal. I hope you’re both not too stiff and sore tomorrow. I think it may be safest for all if you were to skype Lily-Anne. Your diary will be a best seller when it’s finished I’m sure, both of you get better soon, gentle hugs to you both and lots of love ❤️Xx Jane

grammeejill profile image

Oh gosh, Kryssy! How scary that must have been! Please have a speedy and pain-free recovery#

gmc920 profile image

So sorry to hear this! Hope that you and your friend both feel better really soon! 💕

busbee3 profile image

Oh, Kryssy, what a thing to have happen. I'm so glad both of you were not injured more seriously. I hope you can get a good sleep and take it easy for a bit. Take care!

CJR99 profile image

Oh good lord so sorry to hear this sending you a big hug xxx

tara108 profile image

Oh no. I got such a shock when I saw that photo. I hope you are not in too much pain. And after what sounds like a lovely day! Wishing you both better soon. Big gentle hugs from Oz.

LittleSan profile image

You wouldn't believe your story if it was fiction! Hope you manage to swerve any more trauma and you're not too sore today. Xx

Travelmonster profile image

Really hope you both feel better soon Kryssy.

Sending healing vibes.



MostlyHarmless profile image

Hi Kryssy. I just checked my email (hence the late response )and saw the one you sent so logged onto here to see what accident you were talking about. How horrible for you! I hope you are starting to recover. Get some physio on your neck arranged even if you don't think you need it now, believe me it will help.

Oh gosh how scary for you both.

Hope tomorrow is not as painful as it might be. X

Kryssy profile image

Aha!! Managed to get home in once piece and no diasters, accidents or chaos and as I had an assisted place I was fast tracked all the way though. Definitely the way to travel. That's a first.

So sorry to hear of losing Sarah. Such a lovely girl. So sad.

I'm bushed so it's a nice early night and tomorrow just doing zilch. Got a lot of Eastenders to catch up on though. Feeling well on the new regime and haven't strayed once, not even a tad. I'm looking forward to trying out a few recipes. There's got to be something more interesting than bland all the time.

Thank you all for keeping up with me. I'll get my diary finished one day. It was only 10 days but this diary is going to end up like a novel. Typical me.

Lots of love

Kryssy xxxx

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