A little piece of good news ....: Hubby and and I... - My Ovacome

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A little piece of good news ....

Jan76 profile image
25 Replies

Hubby and and I went to see my Oncologist on Weds of this week ..

First check up ..he was rather pleased with my progress ..blood test was fine .

He said he did not want to see me till March and not January as I was expecting as he told me In April at my half way through chemo appt that the checks would be every four months and scan once a year .

Any problems he said and he would see me before March , have a blood form to have bloods done again before I go .

Its now about this time last year that I knew all was not right with my bladder which of course was being push down by the Ovarian mass and here we are now ......... Moving on and forward ...

Jan ..

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Jan76 profile image
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25 Replies

That is such good news Jan. As you say, you can now move forward. That is a great feeling!

All the best, Monique

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to

Thanks Monique ..

You are so right it is a good feeling and its one step at a time , would love to do more at school but have to know my limits for now so its just three lunch times till I can feel I can do more as they are Year R children so very active and all over the place .... but they are great for getting you back on track ....

Love Jan xxx

Hi Jan,

It is good news and I am sooo pleased for you...I have to keep this short as I am off to York to take my granddaughter back to uni...but didn't want to leave without saying something I will get in touch later love x G x :-) :-D :-/ ;-) :-) (couldn't resist the smiley faces)

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to

Hello there Gwyn ,

No worries as you have already sent me one message re my news xxx love my faces ..thank you so wish I could do them !!

Hope your Grandaughter gets on ok ?? what year is she in now ?? Only seems five minutes that Alison was at teaching college in Cambs , far enough away to be independant but close enough to come home for a roast now and again !!! THose were the days ....

Love Jan xxxx

Fitzy profile image

Hi Jan

That's great news. It's nice to have some 'breathing space' between appointments. I had a check-up this week and all seems fine, will be followed up by a scan on 15th Oct and, hopefully, I'll have another 'breathing space' before next check-up. The time does seem to fly by following first diagnosis - it's now 3 years this month since my initial diag/op and I'm just grateful for every single day!

Love and best wishes

Colette xxxxx :)

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to Fitzy

Afternoon Colette ,

Its beautiful here in Norwich but chilly , just been out to lunch we took a very dear lady called Sybil who was 85 young on Friday ..so nice to be able to do it and enjoy it too ..

So glad your check up went well xx I know what you mean about being grateful for every single day even if its pouring down with rain ... but so much better if the sun is out ... Pleased to hear its been three years since your inital diag/op , thats so good ....

Take care xx

Love Jan xxx

Hello Jan,

Great News !! lovely to hear some as well.

Keep it up.

luv trish x

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to

Thank you Trish ,

My three Aunts ...my lovely late Mums sisters are so delighted for me bless them ...They mean the world to me as they all have been so supportive but two of my Aunts have health problems of their own and do not have it easy ..I am lucky to have such a good family .

The kids are coming for a roast on Sunday so we will open a bottle of red to go with the beef .....

Love Jan xxx

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Jan!

What good news! Welcome to the "remission club"! Its a good place to be isn't it?

I get 3 monthly checks at present but feel very well and held a very successful "alternative Big Coffee Morning" for Macmillan last night. It took the form of a wine and cheese party with raffle and food quiz and we raised £336!

Onward and upward as you say! I am getting an MRI of my skeleton on Monday evening and my pain injection on Tuesday! Hopefully that will see the sciatica off for the time being!

Keep moving forward as we all must! I heard a lovely translation of a Persian poem on Radio 4 this morning which really made me feel good. The gist of it was that, whenever we feel down we should look at ourselves and remember what miraculous beings we are. This especially applies to us! It is just so brilliant to be here at all and, as I sit in the sun streaming through my study window, I cannot help but rejoice! (just to make up for my 'Bad Night' last week).

Love Margaret! xxxxxxxxx

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to MargaretJ

Hi there Margaret ,

Thank you so much for the welcome to the ''remission club'' ..oh ! yes it is a good place to be ....

So pleased you are feeling well and also brighter than last week xxx

Wow that was a great sum to raise for Macmillian , makes a change from cakes the chesse and wine ... Hubby would have liked that .... well so would I but trying not eat too much chesse at the mo ....

It would be so good if they get on top of your pain with the sciatica , having had back pain I know how back it can be at times ....

The human body and spirit take a lot of battering at times but has the ability keep going .My late mum was a amazing lady .... the trials she went through with operations four of them ...and pain with a fractured spine through Osteporosis due to side effects of Crohns disease .She was so very very strong and never said why me .....

We have had it very sunny here in Norwich today but windy and chilly . The sun is as good as tonic as any !

Take care now ..good luck for next week xxxxx

Love Jan xxxxx

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to MargaretJ

Hi there Margaret ,

Thank you so much for the welcome to the ''remission club'' ..oh ! yes it is a good place to be ....

So pleased you are feeling well and also brighter than last week xxx

Wow that was a great sum to raise for Macmillian , makes a change from cakes the chesse and wine ... Hubby would have liked that .... well so would I but trying not eat too much chesse at the mo ....

It would be so good if they get on top of your pain with the sciatica , having had back pain I know how back it can be at times ....

The human body and spirit take a lot of battering at times but has the ability keep going .My late mum was a amazing lady .... the trials she went through with operations four of them ...and pain with a fractured spine through Osteporosis due to side effects of Crohns disease .She was so very very strong and never said why me .....

We have had it very sunny here in Norwich today but windy and chilly . The sun is as good as tonic as any !

Take care now ..good luck for next week xxxxx

Love Jan xxxxx

MargaretJ profile image
MargaretJ in reply to Jan76

I have just realised that the appt on Tues is at the day ward not the pain clinic which means that I will be getting the injection! Yippee! I also plan to take my Bose earphones on Monday as my last experience of MRI was that it was very noisy and the headphones phovided were useless!


Fitzy profile image
Fitzy in reply to MargaretJ

Well done Margaret with your fund raising for Macmillan. I baked some cakes for the coffee morning run by our lovely Oncology nurses at the Women's Hospital in Liverpool, and sang along with a choir I've joined consisting of women who have experienced gyny cancers. This is also run by our Onc nurses and is a real ego-boost for all of us - it doesn't matter if we can sing or not (I certainly can't) as it is the taking part that counts and the lovely warm feeling it gives. I don't know how much money we've raised yet - I'll keep you posted.

Good luck with your MRI and hope that pain relief kicks in real quick.


Colette xxxxxxxxx :) :)

wendydee profile image

Hi Jan! Wonderful news! Now you can concentrate on enjoying some treats and building up your strength again. Hugs and loads of luck

Love Wendy xx

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to wendydee

Hi there Wendy ,

Thanks xxx yes we are planning to do something on my birthday in Nov as I was in hospital for last Nov's having a Ct scan ..all I had to drink was the lovely white drink they give an hour before hand .... So aiming for something better this year al being well ..

Love Jan xxx

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Jan76

Fab! Enjoy it all! Xx

Whippit profile image

Dear Jan, Thanks for posting up your good news. It's so uplifting to hear when people are doing well. You sound pretty upbeat at the moment - so enjoy that glass of red with the beef.

I'm in France at the moment. I'll hold up my glass on Sunday and think of you - though I don't think we're having a good ol' English roastie.

Here's to more good news! Margaret - I loved your idea of a quiz as well as the cheese, wine and pate. mmmmm

Love Annie xxx

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to Whippit

Many thanks Annie ...

Do hope you are enjoying your break ..what part of France are you in at the mo ??

We have family out there in Mondion ..bit off the beaten track mind but so very peaceful ......

Roast beef is in the kids should be on their way , red wine is coming up to room temp ...wish we had some good french chesse for afterwards ...... but trying to be good at the mo ... but we took a dear friend out to lunch for her 85th birthday on Sat and it was a light lunch so not too big a portions as she does not eat a lot .I had a lovely fig and goat chesse salad ..OH ! that was very nice .... Do love my chesse but its fattening ....

If Margaret had been round the corner I would have gone just for a little taste .....

Yes I do think its helps to hear that folk are doing well ..so its onwards and upwards ..

Love Jan xxx

MargaretJ profile image

Hi annie!

There were complaints that my quiz was too hard! Cryptic clues to do with food! They had difficulty with GEGS!


angelina profile image

Hi Jan

Lovely to hear your good news, thats just what we need at the moment you

must be feeling so relieved.

Enjoy your roast tomorrow.

Best Wishes

Angie x

Jan76 profile image

Thanks Angie ,

Going to enjoy my roast as its smelling good now ....

Its nice to be able to spread a little good news xxx

Love Jan xxx

Jacks150 profile image

Brilliant news Jan,

Looking forward to catching up Thursday.

Portacath fitting went well Friday and 1st topetecan done today through it. Other than feeling a bit sick (domperidon dealt with that) I feel fine. I did the school runs either end of the day and will be working throughout hopefully.

See you soon

Jackie xx

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to Jacks150

Thanks Jackie xxx

So glad all went well with the Portacath ..Just take it steady now and you must not over do it ......

Looking for to seeing you on Thursday ...Rang Lorraine today but she is going out with her Grandson on Thursday as its his birthday , she has been in hospital but more of that later ....

See you Thursday .

Love Jan xxx

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to Jan76

Do you mean I can't go hang gliding or abseiling!!

I won't over do it. I am staying at home all day today chilling.

See you Thursday

Jackie xxx

Jan76 profile image

You can do that at the weekend but do the chilling today !!!!!

You need the energy for lots of nattering xxx

Jan xxx

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