After 2 chemo sessions of carbo & taxol plus Avastin, my blood test level has reduced from 750 to 586 which is the first positive news I have received since diagnosis mid December ๐ it has given me a huge boost! My CT scan is Tuesday 20 Feb to see if my huge mass has shrunk enough for surgery, if so, it will go ahead 7 March. Its such a rollercoaster of emotions isn't it. I have more times recently when I've thought more about my future, and almost forget at times that I may not be here to experience all I will miss in years to come. It makes me feel so sad. I had a troubled life for many years and in my 50's I was finally feeling like my life was taking off, and then this hit. I am strong, positive and do make sure I enjoy every day so its not a relection of my overall experience, just sadness at wanting to live a good, long life.
Still, new drug trials come about & there is always hope for that future, so for that I am grateful ๐