I had 4 rounds of chemo for my stage 3c peritoneal/ovarian cancer. The ca125 dropped to 128. Following surgery it was 424 and then 400 but the ct scan was clear so I was started on Avastin alone. However ca 125 has now risen to 565, I don’t normally like to be ‘pushy’ but I did question my oncologist as to why this might be happening; I still really don’t have any idea but I am being sent for a PET scan. Any thoughts from anyone? Thank you in advance lovely ladies. 💕
PET scans: I had 4 rounds of chemo for my stage... - My Ovacome
PET scans

I guess it could be a bit of inflammation somewhere…at your operation site perhaps? I have inflammatory arthritis, so my ca125 is generally on the high side without cancer involvement. I hope the PET scan gives you some answers as it is unsettling when the wretched thing doesn’t fall as it should xx
This ca125 can drive you crazy can’t it?!
It could be inflammation from surgery still like Lyndy says.You haven’t got any other possible infections going on anywhere else?
If a ct is clear and number is rising a pet scan is often the next step as it can pick up any small areas of disease that the ct does not.So I’m guessing your oncologist wants to rule this out.
Wishing you all the best hopefully it wont be anything xx
Rapidly growing cancer cells consume more glucose than normal cells. PET combined with CT reveals where they might be. I believe your doc is looking for any difficult to detect (by CT alone) small tumors, if there are. I think it is a good thing to do in your case. I think we patients should ask any questions to our docs. It is us who have to deal with it, not them, so I try to get as much info as I can from them, and more.
Possibly a couple more mop up chemos necessary. They just checking it’s actually cancer & not inflamed from surgery ……but u know, we are not the Docs. Do ask & know exactly why, how & everything about yr treatment.