"Scans": Hi there, Tomorrow I have my first... - My Ovacome

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10 Replies

Hi there,

Tomorrow I have my first scan ( MRI ) post chemo.....can anyone tell me why some ladies have a CT scan and some have a MRI? the reason I'm asking is because I have clausrophobia and I would have prefered to have a CT scan, also can any of you ladies give me any advice on this...PLEASE!! because I'm really dreading it.

10 Replies
nikki9 profile image

I have only had ct scans, but this still means you have to lie down and go through scanner, although it is much quieter than an MRI. T try and think of something really nice and it dosent take very long. Good luck x

in reply to nikki9

Hi Nikki,

I think the MRI scan takes around forty five minutes...I had one last year and really would've prefered a CT...will have to try some self hypnosis I think.... still I suppose It'll soon be over

Lua x

Whippit profile image

Dear Lua

I'm sending loads of sympathy. Treatments are bad enough anyway without having additional things to cope with such as claustrophobia, needle phobia, etc. I had an MRI scan after the initial diagnosis before my surgery, and have had 3 CT scans since then. I get the feeling the MRI does a much wider sweep of the body.

It might be helpful to read a comparison between the two types of scan. I found one at: diffen.com/difference/CT_Sc... This website states, 'one of the biggest advantages of an MRI is that it does not use radiation while CAT scans do'. It does seem of the two procedures you will have the one with less hazards associated with it - I wonder if it would help to envisage having a superior, more costly type of scan which takes you through a Loo Roll rather than a Polo Mint.

I do think you should mention your claustrophobia to the operator - and even call in to see your GP today to see if there's anything they can prescribe to calm you and help you through it.

Thinking of you and hoping you feel less uneasy this time.

love Annie x

Dear Lua

I can't improve on Annie's advice other than to say you could try and concentrate on planning a fantastic treat for yourself or someone you love. I hope the experience turns out to be more bearable than you fear.


Linda xx

lill profile image

Not sure but if it will be the same for you but my MRI scan did not take me right through. My head did not go Through. You could ask the radiographer to talk you through it - I find it helpful to know when the bed is going to move, how long I will need to hold my breath for and when the vibrating bit is going to come - the vibrating bit is not awful and I look on it as a lovely back massage ( as in one of those special chairs). Of course you will feel apprehensive the first time but am sure you will find it much less frightening than you are imagining. Getting them to talk to you about the timing of the different phases while the scan is going on will help a lot. Hope it goes well and that the results are good.

mummybear59 profile image

Hi Luana,

I had an MRI scan at initial diagnosis (after ultrasound) to show the extent of my disease to see if it had spread further than the abdomen. Our health authority Hull and Scarborough uses the MRI as they say it shows a clearer picture. I will have another to compare results after my 3rd chemo (just had second on thursday). I was dreading the scan but actually it wasnt as bad as i expected. Just make sure you wear something light so you dont get too hot. I also had a long list of songs in my head (mainly from my best of Disney cd i use when out running!!) and sang them to myself from the moment i went into the scanner which made the time go by much quicker! They brought me out after about 45 minutes and then i went a bit further in to scan up to my neck. By then i had run out of songs so the last 10 mins dragged a bit but was still bearable but you might not be in as long as that anyway. Just try to think happy thoughts and keep strong. You'll be fine.

Love MB x

Honey3 profile image

Hi Luana,

My daughter has an MRI every three months and she can listen to the radio through headphones or have a CD played through the headphones - this is a good distraction. Her radiographers give her clear instructions about when to hold her breath and when to relax again. Sometimes they come out and shift her into a different position. They are very friendly and helpful. She has MRI scans because they give a clearer picture than the CT scans.

I hope all goes well. I understand your fear because my daughter was needle phobic at the start of this bleep awful journey and she has had to face her fear and it has not been easy - she's done amazingly well. I hope you get a good friendly team and are able to cope. She has never had to go right inside the scanner.

Sending my best wishes and hoping your results are good.

Honey xxxxxx

Gina555 profile image

Hi Luanna

At my MRI dept they provide a red panic button which you can hold in your hand, so that if you were to panic, you could press it, and the radiographer would bring you out of the machine straight away. If you tell them you are claustrophobic, they can reassure you that you are not actually trapped in there, but can get out any time you like, just by pressing the red button. Also, remember that MRI is totally harmless, unlike CT scans, which do give you a dose of radiation.

Best wishes,


in reply to Gina555

Just to thank you all for your good advice regarding my MRI scan which I have had today, I explained to the radiologist how scared I felt...anyway I found it to be not as bad as I had feared...the panic button was on hand and I was given ear phones to wear...also they kept me informed when they were about to move me, when they wanted me to breath in/out, I felt okay but daren't open my eyes at all during the process because I would have really panicked and felt trapped....I must admit it wasn't as bad as my first MRI scan last May, maybe because the radiologist's seemed more switched on to my fears than the previous one did....on the whole I wasn't soooo...bad.

Lua x

I'm really glad. I found my MRI scan ok and not much different to my CT other than I had headphones on and seemed to be in the room for a lot longer. I wasn't taken through as it was my abdomen as the focus ... but really glad you've got through it all Lua. x

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