CT scan shows multiple liver metastases. - My Ovacome

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CT scan shows multiple liver metastases.

Sashay2020 profile image
38 Replies

Hello ladies. I hope everyone is as well as can be. I had a CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis yesterday afternoon. I had not expected the results until Monday or Tuesday, but the report posted yesterday evening and shows multiple tumors on liver. I’m not surprised. I meet with the new oncologist (my wonderful former oncologist is retiring) on Wednesday. I’ve just begun my research on liver resection. It would be better if I only had one or two nodules. I don’t know if surgery is an option, and if it would be worthwhile for me. I would be grateful if anyone with liver metastases can share her thoughts and experience, or perhaps suggest questions I should ask my oncologist when my daughter and I meet with him next week.

Many thanks, ladies.


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Sashay2020 profile image
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38 Replies
delia2 profile image

Hi Sashay. I can’t help with the liver Mets experience though I have heard of cyber knife being used for this purpose. But it probably does depend on how many nodules there are. Depending on what your onc says maybe you could get a second opinion at M D Anderson? Anyway I just wanted to send hugs and encouragement. Keep us posted.

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to delia2

Thanks, Delia. I am looking into switching my Medicare Advantage Plan to straight Medicare because MDA goes not accept the insurance plan I have right now. I’ll let you know what the oncologist says. Take care,Sashay

NYClady profile image
NYClady in reply to Sashay2020

Medicare along with a Plan N supplement has been wonderful in paying 100% of all my OC costs - hospital, chemo - everything other than a few $20 copays and cheap prescription drugs.

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to NYClady

Thank you for this great information! I spent hours trying to figure out which of the many plans available to select when I first signed up for Medicare. So confusing. Thanks again. Sashay

Cher96 profile image
Cher96 in reply to Sashay2020

My nyc plan was changing to an advantage plan, but luckily we have a reprieve. As for metastasis on liver doesn’t necessarily mean in the liver, but please let me know what you discover. We seem to have the same type of OC that is brca negative. Same age too! I had unsuccessful debulking on July 13th which left the cancer on my intestines and outside my liver. Not like a recurrence since this is my first time around. Not sure what this all means, but am now on Avastin after finishing carbo/taxol. Just living with this, no symptoms, but am totally aware of every little twang that’s going on in my body. I was thinking about a second opinion, but it’s too soon after surgery so I will just wait and see and hope Avastin will keep it at bay. Was thinking of Dana Farber for another opinion at some point.

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Cher96

Unfortunately, I have several nodules along the edge of the liver and more within the liver. I posted an update if you want to know more about what oncologist said. Thanks again, Cher. Sashay

Lolotango profile image

Hi Sashay, I had a CT guided Microwave

Lolotango profile image
Lolotango in reply to Lolotango

Sorry, my iPad acting up. In April this year I had a CT Microwave guided Liver Ablation for nodule on liver. They went thru chest with probe and burned out the area. So far all of the area has been burned out. This was some by MD Anderson in Camden NJ. The year before I had a spot on liver and near kidney, with the liver they decided to do a liver ablation then treat area near kidneyWhen they went to do laparoscopically, they founded evidence of disease in 4 other areas. So they closed me up and started chemo for 9 months. It worked for all areas but the liver. I went for radiation consultation but they also had option of the CT Microwave guide liver Ablation. They also told me if grows back they can do it again. So they gave me some options. Unfortunately since Aug I have been dealing with my 4th recurrence with nodules in area where uterus was. Started Doxcil and Avastin and get new scan in Nov. last 3 occurrences I had Carbo Taxol combo but I am now platinum resistant since cancer returned less than 6 months. I also had Avastin during 2nd treatment so hoping it helps again.Good luck and always be your own advocate.

Sashay2020 profile image

Wow, I just reread your profile and your past responses to me. You have really hung in there with different treatments! That’s very interesting about the ablation. My younger sister just called to say that she and her family are coming to New Orleans for Christmas. She is still recovering from eight months in hospital, rehab and nursing homes from Covid infection. She was stricken early on in the pandemic and was on a ventilator for two months. I advocated for her via phone with her doctors. I hate to burden my daughter, but I may have to lean on her a bit. Anyway, Looks like my news about my cancer spread has motivated my sister to begin physical therapy again so she can be strong enough to come visit me. I’m so happy about that. I hope you to continue to do well with your treatments, Lois. Thanks again for you past advice and for your response today!Sashay

Lolotango profile image
Lolotango in reply to Sashay2020

Good Luck with your appt and please let us know how you are doing.

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Lolotango

Thank you. I certainly will. 🙂Sashay

Realistic profile image

God bless Sashay, hope you can find an answer on here it would seem that some have very successful treatments. Wish you love positiveyAways pray there a treatment for you.

Love & hugs SheilaFxxx

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Realistic

Thanks for the love and positive vibes, Sheila. I will let you know what the oncologist says. Sashay

Realistic profile image
Realistic in reply to Sashay2020

Please do Sashay l care for everyone of you. Xxx

Rankij11 profile image

I had extensive liver mets , I think if surface they will consider removal but each case individual. I’m hoping all the ladies on here are noticing the insurance cover information and seeing writing on the wall . Real support for our groaning, wonderfulNHS is needed now . You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Best wishes for your appointment, looks like very they are very proactive with options


Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Rankij11

Thanks for sharing your experience, Jennifer. I stayed up all night on Friday. Finally got dressed at 7:00 am and drove to Burger King for sausage biscuit and hash browns ( so much for my meatless diet). Then I drive to the Cafe du Monde in City Park for cafe au lait and beignets. I love that crispy fried piece of dough with way too much confectioner’s sugar. I don’t think my indulging myself will change my liver mets. Between eating my treats and reading the kind responses, I feel a bit better. Thanks again, Jennifer.


Rankij11 profile image
Rankij11 in reply to Sashay2020

Ha , thank you for that. Made my day, exactly my sort of response to the rubbish you are dealing with. Please post with how you get on.Positive vibes from across the pond

Ruebacelle profile image

I had a tumor on the liver close to a blood vessel and close to the junction of the 2 lobes we did weekly taxol for 8 months and it disappeared. Don't know if this helps...hugs from paris

Sashay2020 profile image

Thanks, Ruebacelle. That is encouraging. Perhaps I will have more time on the planet. Lord knows I long to visit Paris. I still remember the signs that several people posted in front of their badly damaged homes after Hurricane Katrina and FEMA was moving slowly “Buy us back, Chirac!” We never lost our sense of humor. 🙂Sashay

Laz66 profile image

Hello, I recently had surgery after first recurrence for liver and various other bits!A true filleting! I asked for an MRI scan aswell which showed much clearer spread. They had liver team and radiology look at how close it was to big vein in liver to see if surgery was doable, which it was. Mine was all on serosal surface not inside liver so this also determined whether surgery was an option. I hope this is helpful and I wish you well xx

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Laz66

This is valuable information, Laz. Some tumors were around the edge of the liver, but I am unsure about some others. I shall do my best to stay composed until I meet with oncologist Wednesday. Thanks so much for responding. Sashay

I had two small tumours on my liver and some issues with lymph nodes but they were all removed towards the end of 2018. After chemo I was put on Olaparib, which seems to be working, so far. I’m in Dublin, Ireland. I tend to do whatever my oncologist says and don’t know much about what the situation was with my liver, to be honest.

So this reply is no help to you, really.

I’m thinking of you & wishing you well. Let us know how you’re doing. Hopefully all will be well.

Anne 🤗

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to

Thank you, Anne. Your response gives me a bit of hope. Perhaps something can be done to make the next line of chemo more effective. Sashay

MOOKIE-FOX1234 profile image

Dear Sashay , Sending you best wishes from Maryland. I hope that you get some upbeat news from your new oncologist and that you really like him ! . A couple of years Frank and I were in New Orleans and visited Cafe during Monde and had coffee and beignets , delicious . In fact , loved all your restaurants and your city Glad that your sister is going to be with you for Christmas, that gives you something really look forward to .

Thinking of you !!

Gill , Mookie Fox

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to MOOKIE-FOX1234

Thank you, Gil. Every living creature, regardless of the cause, must at some point, face death alone. But what a comfort it to have compassionate companions along the way. ❤️Sashay

Cher96 profile image
Cher96 in reply to Sashay2020

Just to let you know members of my support group have lived with this crazy disease for many many years. I hope we can too! Keep me posted

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Cher96

Thank you! That’s encouraging. I am focusing on getting ready for Christmas and New Years. 🎄😊

Nicky100 profile image

Hi Sashay,

Sorry to hear you have all this difficult news. It is all scary when you find out, but yes, there are options.

Are you based in the USA? I thought you might be from your profile.

I am based in the UK and 4 years ago was diagnosed with a recurrence, and also on my liver. My local (I live in a rural area) hospital said there was nothing they could do except chemotherapy.

But I kept busy researching, like you! And I got a second opinion on London. And they referred me for surgery with a pioneering Surgeon called Christina Fotopoulou. (You will now find more info on her than I did at the time).

She operated on my liver, and then I had more chemo, and then a Parp. 4 years on, I am still doing very well and living a good life day to day- so you could try contacting her? She might be able to recommend someone nearer to you.


Good luck and PM me if you need chat.

Nicky xx

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Nicky100

Thank you very much for the recommendation and your encouragement, Nicky. I am in the US. I will see my oncologist on Wednesday and will see what plan he has. But I am also taking steps to expand my options by changing my Medicare selections. Right now I am limited to doctors and hospitals that are “in network” with the company that administers my Medicare benefits. I can see out of network providers, but it’s a lot more expensive. My new coverage will begin January 1st. But I have been satisfied with my current hospital and oncologist. 🙏🏽 and 🤞🏽 I will let you know what I find out on Wednesday. Sashay

Hi Sashay, just a note to wish you well in whatever treatment you have. I live in the US. also and I have stage 4 ovarian. My niraparib seems to be working pretty well, but you never know when this disease will continue on. Good luck and the ladies on here are always ready to be your friend when you get down. Your 🦋 sister, Donna Hugs xx

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Pianoplayer731021

Thanks, Donna. Your good wishes mean a lot!Sashay

Django123 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about this setback. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and your doctors. --Lani

Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Django123

Thank you, Lani. Your prayers are most welcome. I’ll keep you updated. Sashay

Gemmyw profile image

Hi Sashay,

I am stage 4b with liver mets. I'm on 4th line chemo at the moment and only have one more round to go so I'll be having a scan in a couple of weeks to see what has changed. If I'm honest, I'm not expecting good news as I have developed new pain in the area under my right breast and occasional pain in my right shoulder, both of which indicate a spread. I'll just have to wait and see. My oncologist has said that I'm not a candidate in for surgery due to the location of the Mets but that radiation might be an option, although it will be palliative for symptom control rather than with any intent to cure.

I wish you luck with your appointment this week and will follow your posts with interest.

Sending best wishes from the UK,

Gemma x

Sashay2020 profile image

Oh, my dear Gemma, I read your profile and am praying that you and your husband will celebrate your first wedding anniversary in June. I hope that your younger immune system will do its job and increase the effectiveness of the chemo you are on. I awoke about an hour ago feeling so upset that I might not have another Christmas with my sister and my daughter. So I had a little cry, and took some Xanax and I am calmer now. I wish I could give you some of whatever time I might have left to help you toward your anniversary goal. But all I can send is prayers and good wishes. I am so grateful that you took the time to respond to me and hope your upcoming scan brings you some good news. Sashay

Summergold2 profile image

Sashay I am so sorry to hear this news please let us know how your appointment goes and what happens with your Medi Care. I had no idea it is so complicated. I will be there in 2 years praying I make it that long too! Don't intend to ever give up or give in! I was diagnosed on a Monday Dec 2019 my long term boyfriend of 10 years took me to the county admin and married me the next day. Our first trip together was to your lovely city almost 12 years ago. Keep fighting the fight and eating beignets! Hugs and positive vibes and thoughts from San Diego.......also check with Tulane and other Universities for any trials you might qualify for!


Sashay2020 profile image
Sashay2020 in reply to Summergold2

Debbie, what a wonderful boyfriend and husband. I worked with a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer in her thirties. Her boyfriend quickly broke off the relationship. I’m glad you and your husband are there to support each other. I agree. Eat more beignets!!! Thanks for lifting my spirits and making me smile. Sashay

Summergold2 profile image

Hope you are feeling so much better! Make every moment count!Laugh every day ! Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced!

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