Hello Ladies. I finally got some results from my four days of test after test. It all started when I had a concerning ct at a regular check up. I'm going to get to the point here. I had a PET SCAN that showed some implants, nodules, tumors and soft tissue infiltration. My Dr. Then ordered a ct guided biopsy. We met with the Dr. Yesterday and the biopsy was negative for Cancer! How exciting! So my gynecological oncologist says it's very perplexing due to my history. He had me meet with a surgeon to see about a scope with a camera to see what this is. The surgeon feels that due to prior surgeries that wouldn't work because I have too much scar tissue. He could try but he thinks it would result in a major surgery meaning he would make an incision and look at what's there. He would remove or take biopsy depending on what he sees. I just don't want a surgery if it is not cancer. Any advice? Sorry for the lengthy post. XxTina
Perplexed about PET scan results : Hello Ladies... - My Ovacome
Perplexed about PET scan results

I don’t blame you for not wanting another major surgery, but your situation sounds pretty perplexing.
Just how enthusiastic did the surgeon sound?
Did he seem to feel it might be best to take a deep look around?
If so, I would go for it.
Meanwhile, are you experiencing symptoms? That’s another reason to go for it.
It will be drastic, but the surgery could really benefit you in the long run.
Something is going on in there and you don’t want it to go in indefinitely.
Good luck,
PS: I just looked further Back in your history and something like this happened to you before.
Your liver biopsy showed no cancer, but your doctor did not trust the results and surgery revealed all kinds of lesions inside you leading to removal of your spleen etc.
You seem to have unusual test results and surgery might be your only answer..
Best wishes,
No advice, but sounds positive!❤️❤️
Unlocked, how could your surgeon have possibly biopsied everything that showed up on PET scan? This sounds quite suspicious, especially since you've had something similar happen in the past. Surgery is daunting, but it's effective at cutting out cancer. If it were me, and I've had two recurrences, I'd probably opt for surgery. No "watch and wait" for me.
My gynecological oncologist said he requested the easiest less evasive biopsy. Apparently that eas my stomach. He explained that the liver tends to bleed...I just don't know what to do.
Unlockes, sadly the only thing you know for sure is that the small piece from your stomach is NOT cancerous. That doesn't mean that everything on the original scan is NOT cancerous. What about the "some implants, nodules, tumors and soft tissue infiltration." found on that scan? Having fought OC for 4 years now and knowing how effing sneaky it is, if it were me I'd go ahead and have surgery, so at least 1) if there IS any cancer the surgeon can cut it out 2) If there's NO cancer you can confirm that. This whole situation is quite nerve wracking, but to ignore the other questionable areas on your scan seems dangerous to me.
I guess you should do it, because having all these conditions and not having cancer is perplexing. It's rather curious, in fact. I would find out what's what.
I agree thanks.
So how did the surgery go? Any news as yet?