I thought I’d update you on my Weekly Taxol treatment and ask for some ideas to shift a problem I have! This may be long, please bear with!
I’m about to have my 9th treatment, which means I’m halfway through. Overall, this regime has suited me well, apart from a couple of emotional wobbles as I got used to going to the hospital every week. I have a high dose of steroids the day before, on the morning of chemo and just before the infusion starts - this should prevent me having an allergic reaction, as I did in 2016, but it also prevents me sleeping and keeps me buzzing until the end of Saturday. The come down is apparent and I sleep for quite a lot of Sunday and Monday. I can usually get to my afternoon activity on Monday, known as ‘tarting’ (because we go to a cafe which sells tarts, honestly!), but unusually, I’m not hugely conversational; I can eat and drink though! I try to plan an activity on Tuesday - Tatton Park with one of my lovely friends this week. I’ve continued to ride the lovely Bacardi through this regime - I might fall off her but I might fall over at home and I know which one I’d rather. I dance and drink on Wednesdays, see friends on Thursdays then back to the hospital on Friday. Now I know what to expect I’ve found it really manageable. I don’t take any anti-sickness drugs, but have been given stuff to boost my magnesium. My neutrophils have stayed well within the normal range and I’ve only had a couple of small mouth ulcers. My appetite is really good, but I need to go easy on the cakes! I’ve still got a lot of hair too. Aah yes - and my CA 125? At the start of weekly taxol, it was 1800 - it’s now 700 - going in the right direction!
None of this would be possible without my lovely family - especially the bloke who is just amazing - I get fed some pretty spectacular scoff; the garden is looking beautiful, thanks to his efforts; he doesn’t mind a bit of ironing (i.e. he does it all); he comes to chemo and my appointments and works full time too! He’s my Superhero!!
I wonder though if any one else has had and has found an answer to an abdominal wind problem. I’m bloated - not by ascites - it comes and goes (both up and down!). I have been told it is due to tumour activity which causes slow motility which constipated me for which I take docusate sodium and occasional Laxido. My fluid intake is often questioned and if I’m honest I don’t drink enough water - mostly because it tastes horrid at the moment. The whole thing is just a bit anti-social, but stronger laxatives aren’t recommended and I’m not sure of the wisdom of taking old fashioned remedies like Andrews or bi-carb. Any ideas for this slightly unpleasant problem would be welcome. Please feel free to berate me for my fluid intake - I am trying to do better!
It has been a really difficult month on the forum, and I know there are many of you out there who are not in a good place at the moment. I’m sending very much love to you all.
The same love goes to everyone who have had good news recently - long may it continue.
With lots of love and best wishes, Ali x