newly diagnosed Ovarian cancer. undergoing tretemt. On third cycle of dose dense chemo carbo and taxol. developed low count and chemo on hold...mouth sores.
Carbo Taxol with low blood count: newly diagnosed... - My Ovacome
Carbo Taxol with low blood count

Hi Sundaravalli so sorry yo have had to find this site but a the same time a very warm welcome. You will find many ladies wit similar experiences to yours or just kind words lots of support and wisdom to pass on. Like you I am on carbo taxol and like you have had last cycle postponed due to low blood and mouth sores, ok now and just had round 4 of six. This I think is where similarity ends. Are you having surgery or had surgery. Corsadyl mouth wash is good for sore mouth, are you drinking piety. Of water, your onc and cns shoul be sorting out and helping out with low bloods., much more advice will come along on that point. Mine found there way back on there own but I have just been in hospital for two weeks with shingles and an engorged kidney, blocked urether. Anti virals for shingles(spotty botty lol ) and a stent to help blockage. This is not my first time round the block and am having chemo as treatment no surgery as yet also a lot of other stress in family life at the moment. However had surgery 2011 followed by dose dense carbo taxol times 6 and had a few side affects which were all managed, are mouth, bloods ok but did develope some neuropathy but taxol was reduced and finished my chemo tiredness was in issue t times you must be kind to yourself and listen to your body rest all you can and be positive. I give myself one little treat to look forward to everyday, even if it's just a squirt of perfume or a lick of lpstick, coffee with a friend. Every day is a step towards beating this disease, so join the battle cry onwards and upwards. Sorry about my waffle I hope it helps and lots more ladies will be along soon.xxxxxx best wishes and hugs Ann xxx
Hi, so sorry you have joined our club, but like knoxie said, you will get plenty of support from the ladies on here. I had really bad mouth ulcers last year and I was given gelclair which was brilliant and also betamethasone small tablets what you put in water. The hospital prescribed them for me. Hope this helps a little. Take care. Julie xx
Hi, and welcome to our "club", the one that none of us really wanted to join!
I know exactly how you feel at present. I have just comp!eted 2nd line carbo/taxol and just !like first time, my WBC count kept falling. There is an injection that can be given but I never ever got it. There are, I understand certain criteria for getting it, and I believe it will only be offered if you have active infection going on. It can give bone pain, so perhaps its best to ride the storm so to speak. It can get frustrating when the bloods don't seem to want to come back up but they will do eventually. Its much better for them to come up naturally anyway.
Corsodyl is good for mouth ulcers.
Your half way there so hang on in. Be kind to yourself and get plenty of rest. Drink green tea too. If the mouth ulcers becoming very troublesome your GP can prescribe a tablet that you place on the mouth ulcer.
Good luck. Ann xx
Thank you much for support and information. I did not have surgery yet. They want to shrink my tumor first with chemo...Probably surgery later..
Hi Sundaravalli-
Welcome to our group. you will fine a lot of sincere experienced advice here. i am on my 6th cycle of carboplatin/taxol, the standard care for OV first round. I breezed through the first three rounds but it is cumulative. I did develop mouth sores, due to the carboplatin. i had some nose bleeds, a humidifier at night really helped. My white count always drops but i give myself the Neupogen shots usually for four days after a low number but not on chemo days. Mine bounce right back.
I did have a problem with low RBC's but finally gave into a blood transfusion at week five. It was the best! I did a weeks worth of work in one day. felt so much better and my color returned. was looking quite like a ghost. Remember, the RBC's carry the oxygen so if my RBC's got low I knew it. i would be huffing and puffing a lot. My hemoglobin has to be at least 8 to have the chemo.
As for platelets, if they get low they generally start to rise quite fast for most women. Mine had to be at least 100 to get both drugs.
I started to get neuropathy in feet between cycle 4 and 5. Its getting worse but hopefully it will go away when I am done.
Wishing you strength and the courage to fight like a girl!!!
XX Carol
Your mouth ulcers might be thrush. You need the right medecine for this.
So sorry you've had to join our "club", but you'll find the lovely ladies on this site so comforting and helpful. I was on the same treatment as you (19 months in remission). I didn't develop the mouth sores, but I did have to skip only one treatment due to a low white count. I had Neupogen injections twice a week after that, and the white count stayed up. My red count also dropped, but I was able to get transfused (3 in all) in time so that I didn't have to skip any more treatments. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Take one day at a time, and do take good care of yourself.
I wish you the very best. We're all pulling for you! Best to you and your family.......JudyV
Thank you much for kind words.