CT Scan after chemo: Hi all! I would love to know... - My Ovacome

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CT Scan after chemo

alnovca profile image
36 Replies

Hi all! I would love to know your experiences as far as when you had a CT scan after chemo. I am finishing my 5th treatment next week of carbo/taxol and then will have a week break & go for 3 weeks in a row for my 6th & hopeful final treatment. I know I will have a CT scan after the last treatment but how long after the last treatment will they wait before they do the scan. What has been your experiences. This is my first occurrence & I'm stage 1 ovarian cancer. They removed the ovary that had the tumor on March 31, 2016. Thank you in advance. Blessings to you all!! Xxx


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alnovca profile image
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36 Replies
Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Andrea. As far as I recall its quite soon after, within a couple of weeks. In fact Ive had two recurrences and both times had a CT scan after the third treatment to see whether the chemo was working. Im stage 3 so the protocol might be different. Hope you are doing well. Kathy xx

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Katmal-UK

Great to know! Thank you & very best wishes for you, Kathy!

sarah48 profile image

Hi Andrea,

Nothing to worry about! I had my CT on 1st Feb (delayed a bit as I was away celebrating the end of chemo!) following my last chemo on 1st December 2015. They just inject a little blue dye into your hand to help them see what's going on inside but otherwise very straightforward.

Sending you positive thoughts and very best wishes, Sarah xx

sarah48 profile image
sarah48 in reply to sarah48

PS Like Kathy, I'm similar at Stage 3aii.

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to sarah48

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm getting anxious already. I just hope I'm not delayed due to blood counts being low. If so, I'll make it! Very best wishes to you, Sarah!

rosann1 profile image

Hi Andrea, I have recently finished my chemo (5th August) and had my CT scan 2 weeks following my final treatment. I didn't have any scans during my treatment just at the end.

Hope your final treatment goes well.

Best wishes


alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to rosann1

Oh ok. That's great!! Thank you for the kind words. I'm getting excited and anxious for the final treatments. I'm like you, I haven't had any scans through treatment. Very best wishes to you, Rosanna!

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Andrea,

I too am 1c, if I remember my scan was about 3 weeks after.

Just routine,no problems, just a little bit scary until you know the outcome.

I have another routine one coming up and am probably more scared this time as I have enjoyed my remission and don't want them to find anything untoward.

I'm sure you will have a positive outcome,let us know how you get on,

Carole xxx

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Caroles1

Best wishes to you for your upcoming routine of tests. Thanks for the info. I'm getting anxious and excited about finishing up. Blessings!!

Hi My CT scan was about a week to 10 days after the end of chemo then waited 2 weeks for results. Good luck and wishing you the very best outcome xx

19521965 profile image
19521965 in reply to

Hi Andrea, my last chemo was the 23rd and my scan was a week after.

I am 3c and got my results the following week.NED. Thank god, got Aviston on its own for the next year.

I am lucky to have private insurance with hubby's job. A bit worried when I asked consultant about routine scans to make sure all is ok. He said no scans and he will deal with any symptoms as they happen.

Am I worrying for nothing?. Would prefer to at least have a 6 month check.

Regards to all you ladies on this forum.

Linda 19521965


85live4ev profile image
85live4ev in reply to 19521965

Hi Linda I have just read your blog what's jumping out at me is that your consultant won't be given you routine scans.

I was put on Aviston had 12 of them after chemo & surgery my CA125 was only 30 but for me the Aviston didn't work my CA125 went back up slowly & it was only when I had a scan you could see how much the cancer had come back.

I have had 4 CT scans so far & for me they are important at seeing what going on.

I am not a doctor but I think you should be seen more often. Cindyxx

19521965 profile image
19521965 in reply to 85live4ev

Thank you for replying, I will speak to consultant at my next appointment which is in three months time.

The only symptoms I got was stabbing pains in my abdomen. Dont want to be in the same position again. Such a shock and didnt understand how I could be at stage 3c.

Will feel more secure if they scan regularly. Dont want to go through all that chemo again if I can help it.

Ca is at 29 at the moment but has been 19. Got an infection after my 5th chemo which he says that is the reason for the increase.

Got my first aviston on it's own next week. Did you have many after effects?

Thank you Cindy, thought I was being paranoid but only those that go through this can really understand.

Linda xx

85live4ev profile image
85live4ev in reply to 19521965

Hi Linda, Yes, have a good chat to your consultant he might not realise how concern you are about your condition. Sorry to hear you had an infection hope all is ok now.

As for Aviston it made me feel very hot for the first week or so but nothing like the chemo I am on now. Let's hope it works for you.

As for being paranoid no not at all. I always take someone with me every time I have to see any cancer doctor I don't feel they really listen to me. It might sound as if I am a bit paranoid. Cxx

Tesla_7US profile image
Tesla_7US in reply to 19521965

Linda. You are not paranoid!!! We must advocate for ourselves! Tesla

Tesla_7US profile image
Tesla_7US in reply to 19521965

The symptoms I had were so subtle that the 5-6 docs I went to all misdiagnosed me. The only way they discovered the OC was when I went to the emergency room because my stomach bloated up in less than 3 days to an 8-9 month pregnancy. I would insist on a scan at some point!!!! How else will they know if it's come back??? I live in US. Tesla

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to

Thank you so much!! Best wishes to you!

Teresa_K profile image

Mine is organised for around a month after final and 6th chemo received yesterday. Hurrah


alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Teresa_K

Awesome! Congrats on finishing chemo!! Very best wishes & blessings to you!!

Choski profile image


Last chemo 29th July, scan Fri 26th August plus CLA 125 blood test. Results (NED) given at meeting 1st September.

My CLA has risen very slightly however I'll take my NED and wait and see what happens over a few readings - I have a slight cough for no apparent reason but nothing showed on the scan which is great. Hope all is well with you

Clare X

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Choski

Hi Clare, great to hear about you! Hope you do well. I'm anxious & excited about finishing up treatment. I am participating in a Go Run to benefit Gynecologic Cancer Research next Saturday the 17th and I'm looking forward to it. My team name is "Teal We Find A Cure". Very best wishes to you!

buzz2016 profile image

I had my cat scan about 2-3 weeks after. I have stage 3 ovarian. They started me on Avistan pretty quickly after my final treatment. Are you going to be taking this drug?

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to buzz2016

Thanks for your reply! I'm not sure. They haven't mentioned it to me. What is Avistan for? Is it just a pill you take daily after the final treatment? Very best wishes to you!

HI Alnovca, you are almost coming to an end of treatment. Yes first time around I would have had a scan a maybe two months post treatment as chemo keeps working away. I am sure you will be fine. Each hospital and country and oncologist has a different criteria and it also takes into account whether your chemo was agressive or not. So what I am saying is we are all different. You had a long summer but hopefully you can plan a holiday for when you will feel up to it. Best wishes

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to

Thank you & very best wishes too. Yes I am in the US & I loved my doctor & clinic so I'm just so excited to finishing up chemo. Thanks for the encouragement! Blessings to you!

Lily-Anne profile image

I finished chemo in March also stage 1, and had CT scan in March. Am due another scan in October.


alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Lily-Anne

Best wishes to you & blessings. Hope all goes well for your next scan. Xx


Dee345 profile image

Mine was scheduled for about a month after completing chemo. No scans during, just CA125 bloodwork.

Good luck and good health!

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Dee345

Thanks so much. Interesting is we are all different & react different but my CA125 was never out of sorts. When they found the mass, my CA125 was on 35 so my gyno removed it but called me the next said & said it had cancer in it. The rest is history but I've never really been able to depend on my ca125. At last blood work my ca125 was only 15 but again it was never high. Blessing to you & thanks for your reply!!

HogwartsDK profile image
HogwartsDK in reply to alnovca

Hey Alnovca,

You sound very similar to me, I am stage 1 and never had an abnormal CA125 either mine was 26 on diagnosis and 6 after 5th Chemo. I finished my Chemo on 31st March and have not had a scan. I had everything removed and all pathology was negative after 2nd surgery so my onc said there was nothing to scan. I am due for my 6 month review in Oct but my reviews are just physical exam and discussion about symptoms! As you said it's funny how follow ups differ in different places!

Best of luck for your final treatment and full and complete recovery!


Tess66 profile image

Hi alnovca I've just finished my six lot of chemotherapy and I had my CT scan a week later then had my review with doctor and my blood taken I also had a CT scan after my first lot of chemotherapy hope you are keeping well I was stage 2 had good news I'm am all clear.

Tess66 xx

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to Tess66

Awesome! Glad you received a good report. Thanks so much & very best wishes to you!

thesilent1 profile image

Hi, I finished my treatment beginning of August and had my CT on the 22nd, just under 3 weeks later. I'm stage 3b and this was 2nd time around for me. Please don't woirry, they are very organised and will get you your scan. All the best. Ann x

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to thesilent1

Wonderful news for you, Ann!! Thanks so much. I'm excited to be finishing up treatments soon. Very best to you!!

January-2016-UK profile image

Hello Andrea, I had my sixth chemo on 17th May and the scan was not until 22nd June. I think it should have been at least a week or two earlier, as I had an appointment with my onc to discuss the results of the scan prior to when it was due to take place. I'm thinking aloud here, but I think it is probably at least reasonable for the scan to take place at least three weeks after the last chemo, to give that final chemo chance to zap those cells.

Good luck for your final chemo. The end is in sight and you'll slowly but surely start to feel yourself again. Also, your hair will start to re-grow! I'm nearly at the stage where I feel I can jettison the wig.

alnovca profile image
alnovca in reply to January-2016-UK

Awesome for you!! Congrats. Yes I'm so excited to see the end of treatments. Thanks for your reply. Very best to you!! Xx

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