My op was cancelled on 9th May and a 4th cycle started whilst a new date was found. Before the 4th cycle started I had a 3 week break from chemo in prep for op. In this time my CA125 rose from 26 to 33. I've now got a new date for 20th June. This is 5 weeks after my last taxol chemo that I have weekly and 7 weeks after carbo/taxol. I'm really worried what might happen in the gap. My oncologist said it's within normal waiting time and not to worry. Has anyone else had such a gap? Tracey x
New op date: My op was cancelled on 9th May and a... - My Ovacome
New op date

Hi Tracey
I had a big gap between my 6th pre op carbo/taxol and my surgery. This partly because there was quite a long wait time and also because I asked for it to be postponed until after Christmas. I had lengthly discussions with the medics about this and they were all definite that putting off would have no adverse effect.
The operation was successful and everyone seemed very pleased with the outcome.
Love Juliax
Hi Tracey,
Good news u have a date for your op.
My chemo has continued while I waited for my appt so not really had a gap in between, maybe give your nurse specialist a call and ask if you need treatment to continue as your op is not till the 20th June.
It does seam a long time without any treatment, considering the recovery time after the op too, but I'm sure they have it all in order.
My op is a week today and my last chemo was two weeks ago so my surgery falls exactly 3 weeks later.
Anyway, I would ask the question.
Hi millie-c. I asked my nurse if I could start cycle 5 before the op but she said if we did that it would not be a debulking op then. Also I am on ICON 8 trial and the protocol is 3 or 4 cycles before op. The trial is about having avastin and that said I've only had two lots because it has been stopped because of possible ops. As my new op is at a different hospital from mine I have been fitted in. Apparently my oncologist has written asking for me to be considered if any cancellations xx
Hi Tracy,
It sounds like they have got it all sorted for you then so I shouldn't worry too much.
After the debulking op hopefully they will of cut out all signs of the disease so the last few chemos should blast the remainder.
There may be a chance of a cancellation but in terms of the cancer growing just think back to the time of diagnosis and how long that took.
I was a good 2 months after my abdo ultrasound before the chemo started and that seams pretty much standard, so although it feels a long time to wait without treatment, I don't think you are going to undo the good you have done so far, otherwise they would continue.
My appt is next Tuesday and I'm already in a state of panic about it. I'm just not looking forward to it at all.
I know it's got to be done and I will have it done but I'm so worried at the same time. The closer it gets the worse my anxiety is.
I have waited 6 weeks for my appt and it is now upon me.
At least you are positive about the op so stay strong and the 20th June will soon be here.
They have to be very careful about op when your on Avastin as it can cause big bleeds so therefore that's why you have delay from treatment to surgery,they're giving you the best possible outcome.xx
Hi Tracey, I just had chemo number 3 on Monday after an 8 week gap break due to loiloiw wbc count. I had this whilst on first line treatment too and I still got no evidence of disease on compilation of that treatment. Its only natural to worry, I have worried too about what was happening inside me whilst not having treatment but there's nothing I could do about it so no point getting stressed over it.
Try not to worry about the fluctuation in your CA125, it was still within normal limits.
All the best. Ann xo
Thank you. That's really reassuring. I've turned it into a positive now. 5 weeks without chemo. Ye Haa. Might even go to the cotswolds for a couple of days start of June. Xx
I haven't been on here for quite a while but wanted to say that there's a great support group at the Southend Hospiatl women's clinic for Gynae cancers. I had ovarian cancer 13 years ago and I am now helping other patients and ex-patients to run the group. There is free support, often there are free complementary therapies, there's a nurse for informal Q&As, loads of support and more importantly, women who understand what it's like. It's not at all 'doom and gloom', it's fun, supportive and caring. And there's free coffe and cakes! Have a look at
Our next coffee morning is Saturday June 4th, from 10:00 until 13:00, on a drop-in basis. If you're free, do come along. You'll get a lovely welcome.
Wendy xx
Thank you. I would love to comecome along but I'm having short break before my op and im away. When is the next one? Actually I'll check your website and find out. I have to say southend hospital have been brilliant and i cant fault my care. Thank you again for telling me. Tracey x
Look forward to meeting you! All the best with your on-going treatment. The dept at Southend is excellent, you're right. The coffee mornings are on the first Saturday of each month.
Wendy xx
I'll see you in August. Have the dreaded op 20th june. Looking forward to meeting you. I'mI'm a fellow teacher too so if course I'll do as I'm told and be a model patient. Haha x