After being diagnosed with Stage 3c ovarian cancer in Dec 2013, I had four cycles of Carboplatin(first cycle I also had Taxol but second cycle had extreme reaction to taxol within minutes so was just Carbo from then on), i then had debulking surgery in April and was told all visible signs of cancer had been removed, three weeks after op another three cycles of Carbo, finished chemo in July. Scan three weeks after that, NED, all good, even though for some reason I've been very depressed since. Anyway my question is, can anyone tell me if it's usual to still have discomfort and tenderness four months post-op? I'm due for my three month check up end of Nov and I just seem to be in a constant state of panic, even though nothing is probably wrong as my scan results were only six weeks ago, think I'm rambling now, doing that a lot lately!! Love Kaz
Post-op pain four months after.: After being... - My Ovacome
Post-op pain four months after.

Dear Kaz,
You have been through chemo and major surgery so it's not surprising you are feeling down. That's a lot to cope with both mentally and physically!
I was still quite tender at the same stage as you. I was also Stage 3c. I think once we have been diagnosed with OC it is understandable that we are worried by any pain. If you are really concerned about your pain have a chat to your MacMillan nurse or your oncologist. I'm sure that they'll be able to put your mind at rest as you had a clear scan.
Sending you a hug.
Zannah x
Hi kaz
I was operated on a long time ago , January 2010 for the first time and I can tell you that how and what you are feeling is entirely normal. Pain after such a big surgery is something I experienced for ages and ages. You also mentioned low mood and again this is something I think many people have.
However time is truly a great healer and life after each check up is a teeny weeny bit easier than beforehand.
Take care of yourself and give yourself time
Charlie xxxx
I finished my treatment in January 2013 , stage 3 PPC , usual chemo- surgery-chemo sandwich. I still get some pains a year after surgery and was at 4 months still feeling pain in the core muscles. I went swimming in feb and april and it pulled badly .The stitches inside can take up to a year to fully dissolve I was told.If you are worried I would mention it . I've been good in many ways but much more anxious although that's improving slowly. I think that the treatment is a dreadful shock on many levels and for me when I was having treatment I just got on with it and so it hit me hard afterwards. Although we can all be positive its still a difficult diagnosis to live with at times. I was told my reactions were and are pretty normal for lots of us. Hope this helps , dy xxx
Hi Dy,
Thanks so much, you have also made me feel better, I was just the same during treatment, just got on with it and it's hit me like a ton of bricks now, I feel better just knowing that I haven't gone a bit nuts and to feel like this is 'normal' given the circumstances. Hope you're feeling ok
Love Kaz xx
Dear Kaz,
I still think it is early days for you, so please try not to worry.
You could give the Ovacome helpline a ring they may be able to ask the relevant questions and be of some help tel 0845 372 0554
Sending you best wishes love x G x
( Ps I take it you mean you were diagnosed Dec 2012 not Dec 2013 )

Hi Gwyn, yes it is early days, panic sets in very easily as you all know! Thanks for the no. It was Dec 2013 two days after Xmas, I've talked to lovely people on here, Annie has been lovely as you all have. Hope you are keeping well, thanks again, love Kaz x x
Kaz - know exactly how u feel. I had the chemo/surgery sandwich (surgery Dec 2012). I had many pains after surgery one of which got worse and was diagnosed with gallstones!! Had strange sensations and pains since but try not to dwell and try and move forwards. However I have been having pain right across my pelvic area on and off for a couple of weeks so I rang my Specialist Nurse. She is arranging for me to be seen in clinic in the next 2 wks as a precaution. Typically the pain has all but disappeared today! The thing is, it's good to talk to someone (and chat on line!) about these issues so that your mind can be put at rest. I don't think anything is wrong (hoping anyway!), but I will feel happier knowing. My gut feeling (joke there!) is that it's bowel related but I'm no expert! Don't sit at home worrying, talk to your contact at the hospital.
Hope all is well
Annette xxx
Thanks Annette, I'll see how it goes the next few days and if no better will talk to my nurse, had a lot of reassurance on here and I think I'm probably worrying too much but we just can't help it, can we !! Hope your nurse puts your mind at rest and you'll feel better soon. It's just typical your pain has lessened now but best to get checked out, let us know how it goes, take care,
Love Kaz xx
Hi Kaz,
My story is similar, chemo , op in Jan, then more chemo finishing at the end of Feb and a clear scan afterwards. I remember pain on and off, and in July went so far as to talk to my CNS and arrange a scan. But the pain went so I cancelled it and I haven't had it since. Since then I have almost forgotten the op, apart from my unattractive stomach.
But the disease is harder to forget! I've just had my 2nd 3 month check up, and once again have fallen apart before and after it.
As others have said, while in treatment I just got on with it and had no choice. But it all seems so vague now, and having not had many symptoms or not spotted them initially I wonder if I'll know this time. I talked about this and was told if a pain is more than a niggle and doesn't go away get in touch.
I feel between two worlds, not part of the normal world anymore , tho everyone expects me to be happy and fine now, and, thankfully tho, out of the world of hospitals and checks.
So, my guess is the pain will pass, but the emotional fallout takes longer. It surprised me that there is so little support readily available for this side. But the greatest thing is contact with others who are dealing with the same issues and realising we are not alone, which is where this forum is so valuable.
Good luck with everything, I have children the same age and it is hard to hold it together for them sometimes.
Hi Caroline
Thanks for your reply, my pain does feel a bit better now.
What you said about the disease being harder to forget is so true, in fact everything you said, sounds so much how I feel, I just couldn't believe it, it is exactly the way I feel, especially not being part of the normal world anymore. I sometimes feel as if I'm playing a part but it's as if I'm watching myself doing and saying the right things, but not really feeling them, the emotional part is really tough.
As you know with children the same age, you dont want to upset them but it's hard sometimes to keep strong.
Best of luck to you to Caroline, I feel as if I just got a load off my chest, thanks again.
Love Kaz xx