It's gone: I was diagnosed with stage... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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It's gone

Emalou71 profile image
25 Replies

I was diagnosed with stage 4 peritoneal cancer June last year at 42 it had spread to my lungs and chest, I also had tumours laying on my liver & diaphragm. I had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol followed by what the surgeons called ultra radical surgery it involved a full hysterectomy, a liver resection, diaphramic stripping and the removal of my chest, appendix, spleen and omentum. 3 weeks after surgery I commenced another 3 rounds of carbo and taxol and was introduced to Avastin. The last 3 chemo's were hard I think after such big surgery I struggled a bit, and had to take a little bit longer off work for each round, the team around me have been awesome and my oncologist has just been great. I had my scan last week and yesterday afternoon I was told it's gone all gone......I will remain on Avastin until Christmas after that I don't know. But today I can really look forward to some good times ahead especially with friends and family who have been so supportive and brilliant,starting with my wedding in November and I won't be a bald bride now!!

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Emalou71 profile image
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25 Replies

You've been through a lot and you're on the up now. What an amazing outcome. It's lovely you've got your wedding to look forward to. Xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Wow that's fantastic. That sounds like a tough regime but well done you for fighting on through. Best of luck with your wedding.

LA xx

Wonderful news x x so pleased for you

Emalou71 profile image

Thank you so much ladies :) x

ninawithOC profile image

Emalou71, that is the best news ever! Very happy for you! NinaXX

That was a tough road to be on but now you are cancer free and can enjoy life to the full, you must be so happy.

Barbara123 profile image

Fantastic! And we'll done, it's behind you now! So move forward with optimism and joy, life will seem all the sweeter from now on. Enjoy! Bx

AndreaW profile image

That's absolutely fantastic news! You must be so thrilled, thank you for sharing it with us. I'm sure you have given many of us hope for the future . Best wishes Andrea xx

Izzystep profile image

That's what we like to hear ......long may it last and good luck with the wedding. Irene xxxx

sharonforce profile image

That's fabulous! Best wishes to you x

baxbird profile image

What wonderful news, brilliant that you can share it thank you

All the best for your future and have fun with your wedding now


francescahannah profile image

that's fantastic news. I'm so pleased for you. Now you can enjoy some well deserved good times!

love francesca x

giovannabett profile image

Wow, well done. You will have a marvellous wedding, definitely, a cloud with a silver lining. All the very best to you.


thesilent1 profile image

That's wonderful news. So pleased for you. Enjoy your wedding preparations. Ann xo

AnnieMae profile image

Oh how wonderful for you to get this news! It really makes a difference to us all to read such positive posts!! Enjoy planning and sorting your wedding!


Annette xxx

Katmal-UK profile image

Your post made me smile ! I'm so pleased for you! Sending you a vitrual hug for doing so well and for being so brave to go through so much! xxx

Jo-Bo profile image

What fantastic news. Well done. Have a fantastic wedding. Jo

Aemi profile image

Fantastic news so happy for you 😄

Great news. Enjoy the wedding preparations and the wedding. Love Clare

Julie40 profile image

Your cancer journey is almost identical to mine ! Fantastic news. I bet you now believe that miracles are possible, I do xO

Do you mind if I ask where you are being treated ? xo

Emalou71 profile image
Emalou71 in reply to Julie40

Hi, I had my op at the addenbrooks in Cambridge, and my oncologist is in Bedford. They have been truly amazing especially with the op, when I went down they said they would do the as much as possible to help....8.5 hours in surgery and they got the lot Inc in the chest they were all so wonderful and I can't thank them enough for everything. Where are you being cared for and how are you doing? Xx

Julie40 profile image

It is amazing what they can do. I had never heard of PPC and didn't even know what an Omentum was !

I'm from Northern Ireland and they tried to operate here but were unsuccessful and told me there was nothing they could do. I went to Prof Jayson who is the Oncologist at the Christie hospital and transferred my care to him. I had my surgery at St Mary's in Manchester. I travelled weekly for treatment then stayed there for 5 weeks for surgery and recovery.

My Oncologist said the results from surgery were unbelievable. It was an ultra radical surgery too. They were really aggressive. Mine had spread to liver, bowels, diaphragm and rectum. What a coincidence that I started my chemo 3 weeks after my surgery too. It was the toughest and probably lowest point in the journey as I was physically and emotionally exhausted by this stage but I just wanted to start the chemo again and get the best chance possible. Through this site I've realised that even though stage 4 there are some really inspiring stories. It gives me hope just as reading your story did but also tears in my eyes. It's been a tough journey I was 39 when diagnosed. Your bald comment made me laugh. I want to get married and swore it was never going to be without hair. It's making great progress ! Good luck with your wedding plans. Enjoy every day of your future. Raise a glass to our amazing medical teams xo

Emalou71 profile image

Oh my what a journey you have been on. Im so glad you found support in Manchester after being given the original news they truly are amazing and reading the stories on this forum itseems truly humbling. How are you doing now?

The day of my good news I raised more than a glass to my team and will be definitely raising a few more 😁

Julie40 profile image
Julie40 in reply to Emalou71

Apologies I haven't been on for a few weeks. I had a bit of a scare but all good thankfully. This disease really does mess with your mind on top of the physical stuff.

I'm doing well, back to work full time since Jan and trying to live my life again after a challenging year. Pray to God every day the healing continues.

I've enjoyed a 6 month break from the chemo and long may it last.

How are you feeling ? Xo

Emalou71 profile image

Great news Julie x

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