Next week and getting a bit anxious about side effects. Am based in Hong Kong so the regimen may be different from you all. Has anyone had all three drugs together? It will be taxol carboplatin and avastin every three weeks, and taxol every week. Has anyone got similar experience?
About to start taxol + carboplatin + avastin... - My Ovacome
About to start taxol + carboplatin + avastin...

I had carbo-platin, gemcitibane and Avastin with Gem on day 1 and a top-up on Day 8. I found that quite tiring because I have to travel a distance to my hospital. I'd imagine it will be tiring having all three drugs with taxol weekly. Generally I didn't have too many other side effects with my regimen.
Hope you get on well with it. It's always interesting to hear what other people are having in different parts of the UK and different countries.
love Annie xx
Thank you for sharing your experience Annie. It's great that you didn't have too many side effects. I know everyone's reaction will be different but I'm hoping for the best! Busy educating myself before chemo begins so I can look out for signs of problems. It's a crash course!
Just sending you my best wishes and I hope your new regime will be a success love x G x

Thank you Gywn!
Sending you very best wishes for your treatment . I have finished chemo of gemcitabine and carboplatin now on 3 weekly avastin . Like Annie tiredness was one of main side effects with joint pain and loss appetite but we are all different on how the drugs react. Last time I had chemo I had 2 off days and sailed through the rest!! Hope things go well for you and not too many side effects
Ally x
Best wishes Amanda, I think the waiting is always the worst part, once you have started the new regime it will feel easier, I hope, for you. I sympathise while waiting til 4th June for CT Scan results which will mean a new regime for me. Trust your Drs. know what they are doing.