Ladies. There is 1 week to Christmas and I've been reflecting on the past year, and in particular 6 months. My cycles of hard chemo are over and now on Avastin again, which I began on Tuesday last.
Anyway - met some lovely people in day ward over the years - some new, some young, some old, some on the 2nd round, some on long term treatment - both men & woman. I suddenly realised - that I am so lucky to be here and feel so well today.
So to those who I met on the way over the past 5 years and who are walking on the same road as me - I send love, hugs and best wishes. Thank you for the support of those I met through OvaCare and the fantastic crew at OvaCare - you kept me going when times were hard and tough. Also, to our friends on Health Unlocked - regards to you all also.
We have lost friends along the way - so pause for a moment to remember them.
If you are on full treatment; on maintenance; waiting to begin - regardless of where you are on the journey - there is a light for most of us along that road. It may be a glimmer some days, but try and see that glimmer.
So - happy christmas and best wishes for 2016 to you all.
Daisies xxx