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just checking up on you all

9 Replies

Hi there, this site has gone quiet, hope everyone is busy enjoying the lovely weather we are having and that no one is feeling horrible at the moment. I am off for a few days hols tomorrow to visit my brother who lives in Nice. A break from the routine of treatment, scans and consultants. This has been a long year, it is my first time staying on treatment as in Avastin every three weeks. Now I notice my nails are weaker, etc etc. I have scan in October and see the consultant a few days later. Tummy lymph nodes were up last scan but he was unsure why as everything else was stable. I am lucky I am getting good treatment. Sometimes the black dogs comes and visits but I am dealing with that at the moment. I think we all go through that phase now and again. I have gone back to choir and find it relaxing although I am totally out of tune at the moment. Hope all are doing okay sending you all the best Suzuki Morticia

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9 Replies
kittie profile image

Hi Suzuki, Just a quick post to wish you a lovely holiday, I hope you get a chance to relax and leave the black dogs behind. All is good with me ,I am starting my Christmas baking today it will keep me occupied for a while. Once again enjoy your holiday in Nice. Kittie.

in reply to kittie

Thanks Kittie, yes the gloom is lifting. Am going to Arc House here at the moment. So I have to walk the days I am not working, that is my homework. So have started doing this and looking forward to plenty of walks in Nice. I think what was stopping me was my elder dog. She cant walk far so then I dont walk now. She came to me after hysterectomy with stitches having been rescued and when I had mine, she would cuddle up to me on the sofa but not enough to hurt me. So we have been through a lot together and I felt it wasnt loyal leaving her to go out walking. That is my thinking, if you are a dog lover you will know what I mean. Well you are great starting the puddings and cakes but then its almost the end of September. We have been lucky with the lovely weather this summer. I am glad you are in good form and keeping well

moominkat profile image

Have a lovely time in Nice, I was there last year around this time of year for a week and loved it - Grasse and Eze in particular. Just take it easy. xx

kazrazmataz profile image

Have a lovely break in sunny Nice, my friend goes there with her family and they do lots of cycling. I have been to the South of France but not Nice and I love it. Hope the sun chases the dogs away if not ignore them they can't hurt you xxxxxxx

Thank you that is true am looking forward to flying out tonight, My brother went to live there about a year ago and I look forward to catching up with him, doing some sight seeing and walking. No the bold dogs are staying at home, litterally and mentally.

daisies profile image


Have a wonderful time in NIce .. I love the place and choices of the various towns, villages, beaches etc that can be reached by train from there. Know the weather will be good, so enjoy.

I also saw your comment about blood results issue at CUH and your were perfectly right in asking the question , after all,, it is your health that is the only thing you should have to worry about. It is so unfair on the staff who have to deal with the problem also.

Slept like the proverbial log last night and feel so much better today.

Hi Daisies, glad you are so much better one tip I forgot, is soak the feet for twenty mins in a basin of water adding a cup of epsom salts. It takes out the toxins and does help the bowel relax and go or you can also put the epsom salts in a bath if you feel up to that. Well had a fab time in Nice, my brother brought us out to Monacco and over the border into a small Italian village. Oh god it is like another world out there, the glam and the jewellery and the yachts copious amounts of them. We went to Cannes and it is also something else but we went to visit a cistercian monastery on an island and the contrast of life was obvious/ Well it is believed that the Italian and Russians own most of these luxury yachts with illgotten gains. We stayed in a fairly average hotel but some of the hotels on the promenade were expensive. I will never complain again about the price of tea coffee in a cafe here, My brother settled about a year ago in a tiny apartment outside Nice, he is hoping to return to Cork at some stage. He has lived in Europe for a number of years but family circumstances changed.

Missfitz profile image

Hi Suzuki. Glad you had a nice holiday. It sounds like a wonderful place. It's great to know someone when you visit a place who can tell/bring you to all the right places. Hope all is well with you. X

Hi Missfitz, hope you are doing okay too. Well the convenience of flying from Cork was a plus and trying to sort time off in between treatment, I just prefer if I can to stay on Avastin without extending it not that it probably doesnt make any difference. Well getting to Nice, it was expensive for a cuppa, we had just carry on luggage so dared not bring travel kettle tho we would have got away with it. It is a beautiful place both sea and city combined, Great to people watch and walk. My god the designer stuff was obvious as were mercs and cars. The yachts in Cannes and Monaco leave the boats in Kinsale inferior. But my brother maintains, a lot of Russian and Italian Mafia. My brother rents a tiny studio apt in Nice for 600 a month. He is officially retired but does the odd contract no, not for the mafia haha, He was in career guidance so still gets the odd request for a paper or is sent to some country to provide guidelines. Sometimes this can also be voluntary. So having a tiny apt suits him. His marriage broke up some time back and he is within travelling distance of his family. Yes it was good to see him and have his input into where to visit. For contrast he broughts us to an island off Cannes which is owned by cirstercian monks and the contrast of the peace and real beauty was lovely. Well have scan next week, seeing oncologist week after and hoping all will still be stable enough to stay on Avastin.

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Nice to meet you all 😁